import assert from 'assert' import math from '../src/pocomath.mjs' import PocomathInstance from '../src/core/PocomathInstance.mjs' import * as numbers from '../src/number/all.mjs' import * as numberAdd from '../src/number/add.mjs' import * as complex from '../src/complex/all.mjs' import * as complexAdd from '../src/complex/add.mjs' import * as complexNegate from '../src/complex/negate.mjs' import * as complexComplex from '../src/complex/complex.mjs' import * as concreteSubtract from '../src/generic/subtract.concrete.mjs' import * as genericSubtract from '../src/generic/subtract.mjs' import extendToComplex from '../src/complex/extendToComplex.mjs' const bw = new PocomathInstance('backwards') describe('A custom instance', () => { it("works when partially assembled", () => { bw.install(complex) // Not much we can call without any number types: assert.deepStrictEqual(bw.complex(0, 3), {re: 0, im: 3}) // Don't have a way to negate things, for example: assert.throws(() => bw.negate(2), TypeError) }) it("can be assembled in any order", () => { bw.install(numbers) bw.install({Types: {string: {test: s => typeof s === 'string'}}}) assert.strictEqual(bw.subtract(16, bw.add(3,4,2)), 7) assert.strictEqual(bw.negate('8'), -8) assert.deepStrictEqual(bw.add(bw.complex(1,3), 1), {re: 2, im: 3}) assert.deepStrictEqual( bw.subtract(16, bw.add(3, bw.complex(0,4), 2)), math.complex(11, -4)) // note both instances coexist assert.deepStrictEqual(bw.negate(math.complex(3, '8')).im, -8) }) it("can be assembled piecemeal", () => { const pm = new PocomathInstance('piecemeal') pm.install(numbers) assert.strictEqual(pm.subtract(5, 10), -5) pm.install(complexAdd) pm.install(complexNegate) // Should be enough to allow complex subtraction, as subtract is generic: assert.deepStrictEqual( pm.subtract({re:5, im:0}, {re:10, im:1}), {re:-5, im: -1}) }) it("can defer definition of (even used) types", () => { const dt = new PocomathInstance('Deferred Types') dt.install(numberAdd) dt.install({times: { 'number,number': () => (m,n) => m*n, 'Complex,Complex': ({complex}) => (w,z) => { return complex(* -*,* +* } }}) // complex type not present but should still be able to add numbers: assert.strictEqual(dt.times(3,5), 15) dt.install(complexComplex) // times should now rebundle to allow complex: assert.deepStrictEqual( dt.times(dt.complex(2,3), dt.complex(2,-3)), dt.complex(13)) }) it("can selectively import in cute ways", async function () { const cherry = new PocomathInstance('cherry') cherry.install(numberAdd) await extendToComplex(cherry) /* Now we have an instance that supports addition for number and complex and little else: */ assert.strictEqual(cherry.add(3, 4, 2), 9) assert.deepStrictEqual( cherry.add(cherry.complex(3, 3), 4, cherry.complex(2, 2)), math.complex(9,5)) assert.strictEqual('subtract' in cherry, false) assert.strictEqual('negate' in cherry, false) }) it("can use bundles that are closed under dependency", () => { const ok = new PocomathInstance('concrete') ok.install(concreteSubtract) assert.strictEqual(ok.subtract(7, 5), 2) }) it("can load generics and then import their dependences", async function () { const chase = new PocomathInstance('Chase Dependencies') chase.install(genericSubtract) chase.install(complexComplex) // for convenience to build complex numbers await chase.importDependencies(['bigint', 'complex']) /* Now we have an instance that supports subtraction for Gaussian integers. */ assert.deepStrictEqual( chase.subtract(chase.complex(3n, 2n), chase.complex(2n, 5n)), math.complex(1n, -3n)) }) })