/* Core of pocomath: create an instance */ import typed from 'typed-function' export default class PocomathInstance { /* Disallowed names for ops; beware, this is slightly non-DRY * in that if a new top-level PocomathInstance method is added, its name * must be added to this list. */ static reserved = new Set(['install']) constructor(name) { this.name = name this._imps = {} this._affects = {} this._typed = typed.create() this._typed.clear() // Convenient hack for now, would remove when a real string type is added: this._typed.addTypes([{name: 'string', test: s => typeof s === 'string'}]) } /** * (Partially) define one or more operations of the instance: * * @param {Object>} ops * The only parameter ops gives the semantics of the operations to install. * The keys are operation names. The value for a key is an object * mapping (typed-function) signature strings to pairs of dependency * lists and implementation functions. * * A dependency list is a list of strings. Each string can either be the * name of a function that the corresponding implementation has to call, * or a specification of a particular signature of a function that it has * to call, in the form 'FN(SIGNATURE)'. Note the function name can be * the special value 'self' to indicate a recursive call to the given * operation (either with or without a particular signature. * * There are two cases for the implementation function. If the dependency * list is empty, it should be a function taking the arguments specified * by the signature and returning the value. Otherwise, it should be * a function taking an object with the dependency lists as keys and the * requested functions as values, to a function taking the arguments * specified by the signature and returning the value. * * Note that the "operation" named `Types` is special: it gives * types that must be installed in the instance. In this case, the keys * are type names, and the values are objects with a property 'test' * giving the predicate for the type, and properties for each type that can * be converted **to** this type, giving the corresponding conversion * function. */ install(ops) { for (const key in ops) this._installOp(key, ops[key]) } /* Used internally by install, see the documentation there */ _installOp(name, implementations) { if (name.charAt(0) === '_') { throw new SyntaxError( `Pocomath: Cannot install ${name}, ` + 'initial _ reserved for internal use.') } if (PocomathInstance.reserved.has(name)) { throw new SyntaxError( `Pocomath: the meaning of function '${name}' cannot be modified.`) } // new implementations, so set the op up to lazily recreate itself this._invalidate(name) const opImps = this._imps[name] for (const signature in implementations) { if (signature in opImps) { if (implementations[signature] === opImps[signature]) continue throw new SyntaxError( `Conflicting definitions of ${signature} for ${name}`) } else { opImps[signature] = implementations[signature] for (const dep of implementations[signature][0] || []) { const depname = dep.split('(', 1)[0] if (depname === 'self') continue if (!(depname in this._affects)) { this._affects[depname] = new Set() } this._affects[depname].add(name) } } } } /** * Reset an operation to require creation of typed-function, * and if it has no implementations so far, set them up. */ _invalidate(name) { const self = this Object.defineProperty(this, name, { configurable: true, get: () => self._bundle(name) }) if (!(name in this._imps)) { this._imps[name] = {} } if (name in this._affects) { for (const ancestor of this._affects[name]) { this._invalidate(ancestor) } } } /** * Create a typed-function from the signatures for the given name and * assign it to the property with that name, returning it as well */ _bundle(name) { const imps = this._imps[name] if (!imps || Object.keys(imps).length === 0) { throw new SyntaxError(`No implementations for ${name}`) } this._ensureTypes() const tf_imps = {} for (const signature in imps) { const [deps, imp] = imps[signature] if (deps.length === 0) { tf_imps[signature] = imp } else { const refs = {} let self_referential = false for (const dep of deps) { // TODO: handle signature-specific dependencies if (dep.includes('(')) { throw new Error('signature specific reference unimplemented') } if (dep === 'self') { self_referential = true } else { refs[dep] = this[dep] // assume acyclic for now } } if (self_referential) { tf_imps[signature] = this._typed.referToSelf(self => { refs.self = self return imp(refs) }) } else { tf_imps[signature] = imp(refs) } } } const tf = this._typed(name, tf_imps) Object.defineProperty(this, name, {configurable: true, value: tf}) return tf } /** * Ensure that all of the requested types and conversions are actually * in the typed-function universe: */ _ensureTypes() { const newTypes = [] const newTypeSet = new Set() const knownTypeSet = new Set() const conversions = [] const typeSpec = this._imps.Types for (const name in this._imps.Types) { knownTypeSet.add(name) for (const from in typeSpec[name]) { if (from === 'test') continue; conversions.push( {from, to: name, convert: typeSpec[name][from]}) } try { // Hack: work around typed-function #154 this._typed._findType(name) } catch { newTypeSet.add(name) newTypes.push({name, test: typeSpec[name].test}) } } this._typed.addTypes(newTypes) const newConversions = conversions.filter( item => (newTypeSet.has(item.from) || newTypeSet.has(item.to)) && knownTypeSet.has(item.from) && knownTypeSet.has(item.to) ) this._typed.addConversions(newConversions) } }