############################################################################# ## #W iso.gi Isomorphisms and isotopisms [loops] ## #H @(#)$Id: iso.gi, v 3.3.0 2016/10/26 gap Exp $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2004, G. P. Nagy (University of Szeged, Hungary), #Y P. Vojtechovsky (University of Denver, USA) ## ############################################################################# ## DISCRIMINATOR ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################# ## #O Discriminator( Q ) ## ## Returns the dicriminator of a quasigroup . ## It is a list [ A, B ], where A is a list of the form ## [ [I1,n1], [I2,n2],.. ], where the invariant Ii occurs ni times in Q, ## and where B[i] is a subset of [1..Size(Q)] corresponding to elements of ## Q with invariant Ii. ## ## PROG: Invariants 8, 9 can be slow for large quasigroups. InstallMethod( Discriminator, "for quasigroup", [ IsQuasigroup ], function( Q ) local n, T, I, case, i, j, k, ebo, js, ks, count1, count2, A, P, B, perm, p; # making sure the quasigroup is canonical if not Q = Parent( Q ) then Q := CanonicalCopy( Q ); fi; n := Size( Q ); # converting a non-declared loop into a loop perm := (); if (not IsLoop( Q )) and (not MultiplicativeNeutralElement( Q )=fail) then p := Position( Elements( Q ), MultiplicativeNeutralElement( Q ) ); if p<>1 then perm := (1,p); fi; Q := IntoLoop( Q ); fi; T := CayleyTable( Q ); # Calculating 9 invariants for three cases: quasigroup, loop, power associative loop # I[i] will contain the invariant vector for ith element of Q I := List( [1..n], i -> 0*[1..9] ); # invariant 1 # to distinguish the 3 cases if (not IsLoop( Q ) ) then case := 1; elif (not IsPowerAssociative( Q )) then case := 2; else case := 3; fi; for i in [1..n] do I[i][1] := case; od; # invariant 2 # for given x, cycle structure of L_x, R_x for i in [1..n] do I[i][2] := [ CycleStructurePerm( PermList( List( [1..n], j -> T[i][j]) ) ), CycleStructurePerm( PermList( List( [1..n], j -> T[j][i]) ) ) ]; od; # invariant 3 if case = 1 then # am I an idempotent? for i in [1..n] do I[i][3] := T[i][i]=i; od; elif case = 2 then # am I an involution? for i in [1..n] do I[i][3] := T[i][i]=1; od; else # what's my order? for i in [1..n] do I[i][3] := Order( Elements( Q )[i] ); od; fi; # invariant 4 if case <> 3 then # how many times am I a square ? for i in [1..n] do j := T[i][i]; I[j][4] := I[j][4] + 1; od; else # how many times am I a square, third power, fourth power? for i in [1..n] do I[i][4] := [0,0,0]; od; for i in [1..n] do j := T[i][i]; I[j][4][1] := I[j][4][1] + 1; j := T[i][j]; I[j][4][2] := I[j][4][2] + 1; j := T[i][j]; I[j][4][3] := I[j][4][3] + 1; od; fi; # invariant 5 if case <> 3 then # with how many elements do I commute? for i in [1..n] do I[i][5] := Length( Filtered( [1..n], j -> T[i][j] = T[j][i] ) ); od; else # with how many elements of given order do I commute? ebo := List( [1..n], i -> Filtered( [1..n], j -> I[j][3]=i ) ); # elements by order. PROG: must point to order invariant ebo := Filtered( ebo, x -> not IsEmpty( x ) ); for i in [1..n] do I[i][5] := List( ebo, J -> Length( Filtered( J, j -> T[ i ][ j ] = T[ j ][ i ] ) ) ); od; fi; # invariant 6 # is it true that (x*x)*x = x*(x*x)? for i in [1..n] do I[i][6] := T[T[i][i]][i] = T[i][T[i][i]]; od; # invariant 7 if case <> 3 then # for how many elements y is (x*x)*y = x*(x*y)? for i in [1..n] do I[i][7] := Length( Filtered( [1..n], j -> T[T[i][i]][j] = T[i][T[i][j]] ) ); od; else # for how many elements y of given order is (x*x)*y=x*(x*y) for i in [1..n] do I[i][7] := List( ebo, J -> Length( Filtered( J, j -> T[T[i][i]][j] = T[i][T[j][i]] ) ) ); od; fi; # invariants 8 and 9 (these take longer) if case <> 3 then # with how many pairs of elements do I associate in the first, second position? for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..n] do for k in [1..n] do if T[i][T[j][k]] = T[T[i][j]][k] then I[i][8] := I[i][8] + 1; fi; if T[j][T[i][k]] = T[T[j][i]][k] then I[i][9] := I[i][9] + 1; fi; od; od; od; else # for how many pairs of elements of given orders do I associate in the first, second position? for i in [1..n] do I[i][8] := []; I[i][9] := []; for js in ebo do for ks in ebo do count1 := 0; count2 := 0; for j in js do for k in ks do if T[i][T[j][k]] = T[T[i][j]][k] then count1 := count1 + 1; fi; if T[j][T[i][k]] = T[T[j][i]][k] then count2 := count2 + 1; fi; od; od; Add( I[i][8], count1 ); Add( I[i][9], count2 ); od; od; od; fi; # all invariants have now been calculated # note that it can be deduced from the invariants when an element is central, for instance # setting up the first part of the discriminator (invariants with the number of occurence) A := Collected( I ); P := Sortex( List( A, x -> x[2] ) ); # rare invariants will be listed first, but the set ordering of A is otherwise not disrupted A := Permuted( A, P ); # setting up the second part of the discriminator (blocks of elements invariant under isomorphisms) B := List( [1..Length(A)], j -> Filtered( [1..n], i -> I[i] = A[j][1] ) ); # if a non-declared loop was converted into a loop, correcting for this if not perm = () then B := List( B, x -> Set( x, i -> i^perm ) ); fi; return [ A, B ]; end); ############################################################################# ## #F LOOPS_EfficientGenerators( Q, D ) ## ## Auxiliary function. ## Given a quasigroup with discriminator , it returns a list of ## indices of generators of deemed best for an isomorphism filter. ## It mimics the function SmallGeneratingSet, but it considers ## the elements in order determined by block size of the disciminator. InstallGlobalFunction( LOOPS_EfficientGenerators, function( Q, D ) local gens, sub, elements, candidates, max, S, best_gen, best_S; gens := []; # generating set to be returned sub := []; # substructure generated so far elements := Concatenation( D[2] ); # all elements ordered by block size candidates := ShallowCopy( elements ); # candidates for next generator while sub <> Q do # find an element not in sub that most enlarges sub max := 0; while not IsEmpty( candidates ) do S := Subquasigroup( Q, Union( gens, [candidates[1]] ) ); if Size(S) > max then max := Size( S ); best_gen := candidates[1]; best_S := S; fi; # discard elements of S since they cannot do better candidates := Filtered( candidates, x -> not Elements(Q)[x] in S ); od; Add( gens, best_gen ); sub := best_S; # reset candidates for next round candidates := Filtered( elements, x -> not Elements(Q)[x] in sub ); od; return gens; end); ############################################################################# ## #O AreEqualDicriminators( D, E ) ## ## Returns true if the invarinats of the two discriminators are the same, ## including number of occurrences of each invariant. InstallMethod( AreEqualDiscriminators, "for two lists (discrimninators)", [ IsList, IsList ], function( D, E ) return D[ 1 ] = E[ 1 ]; end); ############################################################################# ## EXTENDING MAPPINS (AUXILIARY) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here, we identity the map f: A --> B with the triple [ m, a, b ], # where a is a subset of A, b[ i ] is the image of a[ i ], and m[ i ] > 0 # if and only if i is in a. ############################################################################# ## #F LOOPS_ExtendHomomorphismByClosingSource( f, L, M ) ## ## Auxiliary. ## , are multiplication tables of quasigroups, is a partial map ## from a subset of elements of to a subset of elements of . ## This function attempts to extend into a homomorphism of quasigroups by ## extending the source of into (the smallest possible) subqusigroup of . InstallGlobalFunction( LOOPS_ExtendHomomorphismByClosingSource, function( f, L, M ) local oldS, newS, pairs, x, y, newNow, p, z, fz; oldS := [ ]; newS := f[ 2 ]; repeat pairs := []; for x in oldS do for y in newS do Add( pairs, [ x, y ] ); Add( pairs, [ y, x ] ); od; od; for x in newS do for y in newS do Add( pairs, [ x, y ] ); od; od; newNow := []; for p in pairs do x := p[ 1 ]; y := p[ 2 ]; z := L[ x ][ y ]; fz := M[ f[ 1 ][ x ] ][ f[ 1 ][ y ] ]; if f[ 1 ][ z ] = 0 then f[ 1 ][ z ] := fz; AddSet( f[ 2 ], z ); AddSet( f[ 3 ], fz ); Add( newNow, z ); else if not f[ 1 ][ z ] = fz then return fail; fi; fi; od; oldS := Union( oldS, newS ); newS := ShallowCopy( newNow ); until IsEmpty( newS ); return f; end); ############################################################################# ## #F LOOPS_SublistPosition( S, x ) ## ## auxiliary function ## input: list of lists , element ## returns: smallest i such that x in S[i]; or fail. InstallGlobalFunction( LOOPS_SublistPosition, function( S, x ) local i; for i in [ 1..Length( S ) ] do if x in S[ i ] then return i; fi; od; return fail; end); ############################################################################# ## #F LOOPS_ExtendIsomorphism( f, L, GenL, DisL, M, DisM ) ## ## Auxiliary. ## Given a partial map from a quasigroup to a quasigroup , ## it attempts to extend into an isomorphism betweem and . ## , and are precalculated and stand for: ## efficient generators of , invariant subsets of , efficient generators ## of , respectively. InstallGlobalFunction( LOOPS_ExtendIsomorphism, function( f, L, GenL, DisL, M, DisM ) local x, possible_images, y, g; f := LOOPS_ExtendHomomorphismByClosingSource( f, L, M ); if f = fail or Length( f[ 2 ] ) > Length( f[ 3 ] ) then return fail; fi; if Length( f[ 2 ] ) = Length( L ) then return f; fi; #isomorphism found x := GenL[ 1 ]; GenL := GenL{[2..Length(GenL)]}; possible_images := Filtered( DisM[ LOOPS_SublistPosition( DisL, x ) ], y -> not y in f[ 3 ] ); for y in possible_images do g := StructuralCopy( f ); g[ 1 ][ x ] := y; AddSet( g[ 2 ], x ); AddSet( g[ 3 ], y ); g := LOOPS_ExtendIsomorphism( g, L, GenL, DisL, M, DisM ); if not g = fail then return g; fi; #isomorphism found od; return fail; end); ############################################################################# ## ISOMORPHISMS OF LOOPS ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################# ## #O IsomorphismQuasigroupsNC( L, GenL, DisL, M, DisM ) ## ## Auxiliary. Given a quasigroup , its efficient generators , the ## disciminator of , and another loop with discriminator ## , it returns an isomorophism from onto , or it fails. InstallGlobalFunction( IsomorphismQuasigroupsNC, function( L, GenL, DisL, M, DisM ) local map, iso; if not AreEqualDiscriminators( DisL, DisM ) then return fail; fi; #mapping map := 0 * [ 1.. Size( L ) ]; if IsLoop( L ) and IsLoop( M ) then map[ 1 ] := 1; # identity element is certainly preserved iso := LOOPS_ExtendIsomorphism( [ map, [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ], CayleyTable( L ), GenL, DisL[2], CayleyTable( M ), DisM[2] ); else iso := LOOPS_ExtendIsomorphism( [ map, [ ], [ ] ], CayleyTable( L ), GenL, DisL[2], CayleyTable( M ), DisM[2] ); fi; if not iso = fail then return SortingPerm( iso[ 1 ] ); fi; return fail; end); ############################################################################# ## #O IsomorphismQuasigroups( L, M ) ## ## If the quasigroups , are isomorophic, it returns an isomorphism ## from onto . Fails otherwise. InstallMethod( IsomorphismQuasigroups, "for two quasigroups", [ IsQuasigroup, IsQuasigroup ], function( L, M ) local GenL1, GenL2, GenL, DisL, DisM, permL, permM, p, iso; # making sure the quasigroups have canonical Cayley tables if not L = Parent( L ) then L := CanonicalCopy( L ); fi; if not M = Parent( M ) then M := CanonicalCopy( M ); fi; # turning non-declared loops into loops permL := (); if (not IsLoop( L )) and (not MultiplicativeNeutralElement( L )=fail) then p := Position( Elements( L ), MultiplicativeNeutralElement( L ) ); if p<>1 then permL := (1,p); fi; L := IntoLoop( L ); fi; permM := (); if (not IsLoop( M )) and (not MultiplicativeNeutralElement( M )=fail) then p := Position( Elements( M ), MultiplicativeNeutralElement( M ) ); if p<>1 then permM := (1,p); fi; M := IntoLoop( M ); fi; DisL := Discriminator( L ); GenL := LOOPS_EfficientGenerators( L, DisL ); DisM := Discriminator( M ); iso := IsomorphismQuasigroupsNC( L, GenL, DisL, M, DisM ); if not iso = fail then iso := permL*iso*permM; # accounting for possible internal conversions to loops fi; return iso; end); ############################################################################# ## #O IsomorphismLoops( L, M ) ## ## If the loops , are isomorophic, it returns an isomorphism ## from onto . Fails otherwise. InstallMethod( IsomorphismLoops, "for loops", [ IsLoop, IsLoop ], function( L, M ) return IsomorphismQuasigroups( L, M ); end); ############################################################################# ## #O QuasigroupsUpToIsomorphism( ls ) ## ## Given a list of quasigroups, returns a sublist of consisting ## of represenatives of isomorphism classes of . InstallMethod( QuasigroupsUpToIsomorphism, "for a list of quasigroups", [ IsList ], function( ls ) local i, quasigroups, L, D, G, with_same_D, is_new_quasigroup, K; # making sure only quasigroups are on the list if not IsEmpty( Filtered( ls, x -> not IsQuasigroup( x ) ) ) then Error("LOOPS: <1> must be a list of quasigroups"); fi; # special case: one quasigroup if Length( ls ) = 1 then return ls; fi; # making everything canonical ls := ShallowCopy( ls ); # otherwise a side efect occurs in ls for i in [1..Length(ls)] do if not Parent(ls[i]) = ls[i] then ls[i] := CanonicalCopy( ls[i] ); fi; od; quasigroups := []; for L in ls do D := Discriminator( L ); G := LOOPS_EfficientGenerators( L, D ); # will be testing only quasigroups with the same discriminator with_same_D := Filtered( quasigroups, K -> AreEqualDiscriminators( K[2], D ) ); is_new_quasigroup := true; for K in with_same_D do if not IsomorphismQuasigroupsNC( L, G, D, K[1], K[2] ) = fail then is_new_quasigroup := false; break; fi; od; if is_new_quasigroup then Add( quasigroups, [ L, D ] ); fi; od; # returning only quasigroups, not their discriminators return List( quasigroups, L -> L[1] ); end); ############################################################################# ## #O LoopsUpToIsomorphism( ls ) ## ## Given a list of loops, returns a sublist of consisting ## of represenatives of isomorphism classes of . InstallMethod( LoopsUpToIsomorphism, "for a list of loops", [ IsList ], function( ls ) # making sure only quasigroups are on the list if not IsEmpty( Filtered( ls, x -> not IsQuasigroup( x ) ) ) then Error("LOOPS: <1> must be a list of quasigroups"); fi; return QuasigroupsUpToIsomorphism( ls ); end); ############################################################################# ## #O IsomorphicCopyByPerm( Q, p ) ## ## If is a quasigroup of order n and

a permutation of [1..n], returns ## the quasigroup (Q,*) such that p(xy) = p(x)*p(y). ## If is a loop, p is first composed with (1,1^p) to make sure ## that the neutral element of (Q,*) remains 1. InstallMethod( IsomorphicCopyByPerm, "for a quasigroup and permutation", [ IsQuasigroup, IsPerm ], function( Q, p ) local ctQ, ct, inv_p; ctQ := CanonicalCayleyTable( CayleyTable( Q ) ); # if Q is a loop and 1^p > 1, must normalize if (IsLoop( Q ) and (not 1^p = 1)) then p := p * (1, 1^p ); fi; inv_p := Inverse( p ); ct := List([1..Size(Q)], i-> List([1..Size(Q)], j -> ( ctQ[ i^inv_p ][ j^inv_p ] )^p ) ); if IsLoop( Q ) then return LoopByCayleyTable( ct ); fi; return QuasigroupByCayleyTable( ct ); end); ############################################################################# ## #O IsomorphicCopyByNormalSubloop( L, S ) ## ## Given a loop and its normal subloop , it returns an isomorphic ## copy of with elements reordered according to right cosests of S InstallMethod( IsomorphicCopyByNormalSubloop, "for two loops", [ IsLoop, IsLoop ], function( L, S ) local p; if not IsNormal( L, S ) then Error( "LOOPS: <2> must be a normal subloop of <1>"); fi; # (PROG) SortingPerm is used rather than PermList since L is not necessarily canonical p := Inverse( SortingPerm( PosInParent( Concatenation( RightCosets( L, S ) ) ) ) ); return IsomorphicCopyByPerm( L, p ); end); ############################################################################# ## AUTOMORPHISMS AND AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################# ## #F LOOPS_AutomorphismsFixingSet( S, Q, GenQ, DisQ ) ## ## Auxiliary function. ## Given a quasigroup , its subset , the efficient generators ## of and and invariant subsets of , it returns all ## automorphisms of fixing the set pointwise. InstallGlobalFunction( LOOPS_AutomorphismsFixingSet, function( S, Q, GenQ, DisQ ) local n, x, A, possible_images, y, i, map, g; # this is faster than extending a map n := Size( Q ); S := Subquasigroup( Q, S ); # can be empty if Q is not a loop if Size( S ) = n then return []; fi; # identity, no need to return S := List( S, x -> Position( Elements( Q ), x ) ); #pruning blocks DisQ := List( DisQ, B -> Filtered( B, x -> not x in S ) ); # first unmapped generator x := GenQ[ 1 ]; GenQ := GenQ{[2..Length(GenQ)]}; A := []; possible_images := Filtered( DisQ[ LOOPS_SublistPosition( DisQ, x ) ], y -> y <> x ); for y in possible_images do # constructing map map := 0*[1..n]; for i in [1..n] do if i in S then map[ i ] := i; fi; od; map[ x ] := y; g := [ map, Union( S, [ x ] ), Union( S, [ y ] ) ]; # extending map g := LOOPS_ExtendIsomorphism( g, CayleyTable( Q ), GenQ, DisQ, CayleyTable( Q ), DisQ ); if not g = fail then AddSet( A, g[ 1 ] ); fi; od; S := Union( S, [ x ] ); return Union( A, LOOPS_AutomorphismsFixingSet( S, Q, GenQ, DisQ ) ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F AutomorphismGroup( Q ) ## ## Returns the automorphism group of a quasigroup , ## as a permutation group on [1..Size(Q)]. InstallOtherMethod( AutomorphismGroup, "for quasigroup", [ IsQuasigroup ], function( Q ) local DisQ, GenQ, A; # making sure Q has canonical Cayley table if not Q = Parent( Q ) then Q := CanonicalCopy( Q ); fi; DisQ := Discriminator( Q ); GenQ := LOOPS_EfficientGenerators( Q, DisQ ); if IsLoop( Q ) then A := LOOPS_AutomorphismsFixingSet( [ 1 ], Q, GenQ, DisQ[2] ); else A := LOOPS_AutomorphismsFixingSet( [ ], Q, GenQ, DisQ[2] ); fi; if IsEmpty( A ) then return Group( () ); fi; # no notrivial automorphism return Group( List( A, p -> SortingPerm( p ) ) ); end); ############################################################################# ## ISOTOPISM OF LOOPS ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ############################################################################# ## #O IsotopismLoops( L1, L2 ) ## ## If L1, L2 are isotopic loops, returns true, else fail. # (MATH) First we calculate all principal loop isotopes of L1 of the form # PrincipalLoopIsotope(L1, f, g), where f, g, are elements of L1. # Then we filter these up to isomorphism. If L2 is isotopic to L1, then # L2 is isomorphic to one of these principal isotopes. InstallMethod( IsotopismLoops, "for two loops", [ IsLoop, IsLoop ], function( L1, L2 ) local istps, fg, f, g, L, phi, pos, alpha, beta, gamma, p; # make all loops canonical to be able to calculate isotopisms if not L1 = Parent( L1 ) then L1 := LoopByCayleyTable( CayleyTable( L1 ) ); fi; if not L2 = Parent( L2 ) then L2 := LoopByCayleyTable( CayleyTable( L2 ) ); fi; # first testing for isotopic invariants if not Size(L1)=Size(L2) then return fail; fi; if IsomorphismLoops( Center(L1), Center(L2) ) = fail then return fail; fi; if IsomorphismLoops( LeftNucleus(L1), LeftNucleus(L2) ) = fail then return fail; fi; if IsomorphismLoops( RightNucleus(L1), RightNucleus(L2) ) = fail then return fail; fi; if IsomorphismLoops( MiddleNucleus(L1), MiddleNucleus(L2) ) = fail then return fail; fi; # we could test for isomorphism among multiplication groups and inner mapping group, too if not Size(MultiplicationGroup(L1)) = Size(MultiplicationGroup(L2)) then return fail; fi; if not Size(InnerMappingGroup(L1)) = Size(InnerMappingGroup(L2)) then return fail; fi; # now trying to construct an isotopism istps := []; fg := []; for f in L1 do for g in L1 do Add(istps, PrincipalLoopIsotope( L1, f, g )); Add(fg, [ f, g ] ); od; od; for L in LoopsUpToIsomorphism( istps ) do phi := IsomorphismLoops( L, L2 ); if not phi = fail then # must reconstruct the isotopism (alpha, beta, gamma) # first figure out what f and g were pos := Position( istps, L ); f := fg[ pos ][ 1 ]; g := fg[ pos ][ 2 ]; alpha := RightTranslation( L1, g ); beta := LeftTranslation( L1, f ); # we also applied an isomorphism (1,f*g) inside PrincipalLoopIsotope p := Position( L1, f*g ); gamma := (); if p > 1 then alpha := alpha * (1,p); beta := beta * (1,p); gamma := gamma * (1,p); fi; # finally, we apply the isomorphism phi alpha := alpha * phi; beta := beta * phi; gamma := gamma * phi; return [ alpha, beta, gamma ]; fi; od; return fail; end); ############################################################################# ## #O LoopsUpToIsotopism( ls ) ## ## Given a list of loops, returns a sublist of consisting ## of represenatives of isotopism classes of . VERY SLOW! InstallMethod( LoopsUpToIsotopism, "for a list of loops", [ IsList ], function( ls ) local loops, L, is_new_loop, K, M, istps, f, g; # making sure only loops are on the list if not IsEmpty( Filtered( ls, x -> not IsLoop( x ) ) ) then Error("LOOPS: <1> must be a list of loops"); fi; loops := []; for L in ls do is_new_loop := true; # find all principal isotopes of L up to isomorphism istps := []; for f in L do for g in L do Add(istps, PrincipalLoopIsotope( L, f, g ) ); od; od; istps := LoopsUpToIsomorphism(istps); # check if any is isomorphic to a found loop for K in loops do for M in istps do if not IsomorphismLoops( K, M ) = fail then is_new_loop := false; break; fi; od; od; if is_new_loop then Add( loops, L ); fi; od; return loops; end);