############################################################################# ## #W elements.gd Elements and basic arithmetic operations [loops] ## #H @(#)$Id: quasigroups.gd, v 3.0.0 2015/06/12 gap Exp $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2004, G. P. Nagy (University of Szeged, Hungary), #Y P. Vojtechovsky (University of Denver, USA) ## ############################################################################# ## DISPLAYING AND COMPARING ELEMENTS ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a quasigroup element", [ IsQuasigroupElement ], function( obj ) local F; F := FamilyObj( obj ); Print( F!.elmNamePrefix, obj![ 1 ] ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a loop element", [ IsLoopElement ], function( obj ) local F; F := FamilyObj( obj ); Print( F!.elmNamePrefix, obj![ 1 ] ); end ); InstallMethod( \=, "for two elements of a quasigroup", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( x, y ) return FamilyObj( x ) = FamilyObj( y ) and x![ 1 ] = y![ 1 ]; end ); InstallMethod( \<, "for two elements of a quasigroup", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( x, y ) return FamilyObj( x ) = FamilyObj( y ) and x![ 1 ] < y![ 1 ]; end ); InstallMethod( \., "for quasigroup and positive integer", [ IsQuasigroup, IsPosInt ], function( Q, k ) return GeneratorsOfQuasigroup( Q )[ Int( NameRNam( k ) ) ]; end ); ############################################################################# ## MULTIPLICATION ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Multiplication without parentheses is evaluated from left to right, ## i.e., a*b*c=(a*b)*c. Powers use binary decomposition. InstallMethod( \*, "for two quasigroup elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( x, y ) local F; F := FamilyObj( x ); return F!.set[ F!.cayleyTable[ x![ 1 ] ][ y![ 1 ] ] ]; end ); InstallOtherMethod( \*, "for a QuasigroupElement and a list", [ IsQuasigroupElement , IsList ], function( x, ly ) return List( ly, y -> x*y ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( \*, "for a list and a QuasigroupElement", [ IsList, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( lx, y ) return List( lx, x -> x*y ); end ); ############################################################################# ## DIVISION ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## z=x/y means zy=x InstallMethod( RightDivision, "for two quasigroup elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( x, y ) local F, ycol; F := FamilyObj( x ); ycol := F!.cayleyTable{ [ 1 .. F!.size ] }[ y![ 1 ] ]; return F!.set[ Position( ycol, x![ 1 ] ) ]; end ); InstallOtherMethod( RightDivision, "for a list and a quasigroup element", [ IsList, IsQuasigroupElement ], 0, function( lx, y ) return List( lx, x -> RightDivision(x, y) ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( RightDivision, "for a quasigroup element and a list", [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsList ], 0, function( x, ly ) return List( ly, y -> RightDivision(x, y) ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( \/, "for two elements of a quasigroup", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], 0, function( x, y ) return RightDivision( x, y ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( \/, "for a list and a quasigroup element", [ IsList, IsQuasigroupElement ], 0, function( lx, y ) return List( lx, x -> RightDivision(x, y) ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( \/, "for a quasigroup element and a list", [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsList ], 0, function( x, ly ) return List( ly, y -> RightDivision(x, y) ); end ); ## z = x\y means xz=y InstallMethod( LeftDivision, "for two quasigroup elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( x, y ) local F; F := FamilyObj( x ); return F!.set[ Position( F!.cayleyTable[ x![ 1 ] ], y![ 1 ] ) ]; end ); InstallOtherMethod( LeftDivision, "for a list and a quasigroup element", [ IsList, IsQuasigroupElement ], 0, function( lx, y ) return List( lx, x -> LeftDivision(x, y) ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( LeftDivision, "for a quasigroup element and a list", [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsList ], 0, function( x, ly ) return List( ly, y -> LeftDivision(x, y) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #O LeftDivisionCayleyTable( Q ) ## ## Returns the Cayley table for the operation x\y of the quasigroup . InstallMethod( LeftDivisionCayleyTable, "for quasigroup", [ IsQuasigroup ], function( Q ) # This would be slow using LeftDivision. # Must take care of the fact that entries in ct are not necessarily 1..n local n, ct, pos_in_Q, pos_in_parent, i, t, j; n := Size( Q ); ct := CayleyTable( Q ); pos_in_Q := 0*[ 1..Size( Parent( Q ) ) ]; pos_in_parent := PosInParent( Q ); for i in pos_in_parent do pos_in_Q[ i ] := Position( pos_in_parent, i ); od; t := List( [1..n], i -> 0*[1..n] ); for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..n] do t[ i ][ pos_in_Q[ ct[ i ][ j ] ] ] := pos_in_parent[ j ]; od; od; return t; end ); ############################################################################# ## #O RightDivisionCayleyTable( Q ) ## ## Returns the Cayley table for the operation x/y of the quasigroup . InstallMethod( RightDivisionCayleyTable, "for quasigroup", [ IsQuasigroup ], function( Q ) # This would be slow using RightDivision. # Must take care of the fact that entries in ct are not necessarily 1..n local n, ct, pos_in_Q, pos_in_parent, i, t, j; n := Size( Q ); ct := CayleyTable( Q ); pos_in_Q := 0*[ 1..Size( Parent( Q ) ) ]; pos_in_parent := PosInParent( Q ); for i in pos_in_parent do pos_in_Q[ i ] := Position( pos_in_parent, i ); od; t := List( [1..n], i -> 0*[1..n] ); for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..n] do t[ pos_in_Q[ ct[ i ][ j ] ] ][ j ] := pos_in_parent[ i ]; od; od; return t; end ); ############################################################################# ## POWERS AND INVERSES ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- InstallMethod( \^, "for a quasigroup element and a permutation", [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsPerm ], function( x, p ) local F; F := FamilyObj( x ); return F!.set[ ( x![ 1 ] )^p ]; end ); InstallMethod( OneOp, "for loop elements", [ IsLoopElement ], function( x ) local F; F := FamilyObj( x ); return F!.set[ 1 ]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #A LeftInverse( ) ## ## If is a loop element, returns the left inverse of InstallMethod( LeftInverse, "for loop elements", [ IsLoopElement ], x -> RightDivision( One( x ), x ) ); ############################################################################# ## #A RightInverse( ) ## ## If is a loop element, returns the left inverse of InstallMethod( RightInverse, "for loop elements", [ IsLoopElement ], x -> LeftDivision( x, One( x ) ) ); InstallMethod( InverseOp, "for loop elements", [ IsLoopElement ], function( x ) local y; y := RightInverse( x ); if y = LeftInverse( x ) then return y; fi; return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## ASSOCIATORS AND COMMUTATORS ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################# ## #O Associator( x, y , z ) ## ## When , , are elements of a quasigroup Q, returns the ## associator of , , , i.e., the unique element u satisfying ## (xy)z = (x(yz))u. InstallMethod( Associator, "for three quasigroup elements", [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( x, y, z ) return LeftDivision( x*(y*z), (x*y)*z ); end); ############################################################################# ## #O Commutator( x, y ) ## ## When , are elements of a quasigroup Q, returns the ## commutator of , , i.e., the unique element u satisfying ## (xy) = (yx)u. InstallMethod( Commutator, "for two quasigroup elements", [ IsQuasigroupElement, IsQuasigroupElement ], function( x, y ) return LeftDivision( y*x, x*y ); end);