// This source file was replicated from the netless GitHub repository // https://github.com/netless-io/netless-app // compliant with the MIT License, under which it was released. // The authors of archematics wish to express their thanks to the // netless team for creating and releasing this code. /** * @link https://wiki.geogebra.org/en/Reference:GeoGebra_Apps_API */ export interface AppletObject { remove(): void; getXML(objName?: string): string; getAlgorithmXML(objName: string): string; getPerspectiveXML(): string; getBase64: { (callback?: (base64string: string) => void): string; (includeThumbnail?: boolean, callback?: (base64string: string) => void): string; }; setBase64(base64string: string, callback: () => void): void; openFile(filename: string, callback: () => void): void; login(token: string, ui: boolean): void; logout(): void; setXML(xml: string): void; evalXML(xmlString: string): void; setDisplayStyle(objName: string, style: string): void; evalCommand(cmdString: string): boolean; evalCommandGetLabels(cmdString: string): string; asyncEvalCommand(cmdString: string): Promise; asyncEvalCommandGetLabels(cmdString: string): Promise; evalCommandCAS(cmdString: string): string; evalGeoGebraCAS(cmdString: string): string; setFixed(objName: string, flag: boolean, selection?: boolean): void; isFixed(objName: string): boolean; isSelectionAllowed(objName: string): boolean; setOnTheFlyPointCreationActive(flag: boolean): void; setUndoPoint(): void; setSaved(): void; isSaved(): boolean; startSaveCallback(title: string, visibility: string, callbackAction: string): void; initCAS(): void; setErrorDialogsActive(flag: boolean): void; setCoordSystem(xmin: number, xmax: number, ymin: number, ymax: number, zmin?: number, zmax?: number, yVertical?: boolean): void; reset(): void; refreshViews(): void; setVisible(objName: string, visible: boolean): void; getVisible(objName: string, view?: number): boolean; setLayer(objName: string, layer: number): void; getLayer(objName: string): number; setLayerVisible(layer: number, visible: boolean): void; setTrace(objName: string, flag: boolean): void; isTracing(objName: string): boolean; setLabelVisible(objName: string, visible: boolean): void; setLabelStyle(objName: string, style: number): void; getLabelStyle(objName: string): number; getLabelVisible(objName: string): boolean; setColor(objName: string, red: number, green: number, blue: number): void; setCorner(objName: string, x: number, y: number, index?: number): void; setLineStyle(objName: string, style: number): void; setLineThickness(objName: string, thickness: number): void; setPointStyle(objName: string, style: number): void; setPointSize(objName: string, style: number): void; setFilling(objName: string, filling: number): void; getColor(objName: string): string; getPenColor(): string; getPenSize(): number; setPenSize(size: number): void; setPenColor(red: number, green: number, blue: number): void; getFilling(objName: string): number; getImageFileName(objName: string): string; getLineStyle(objName: string): number; getLineThickness(objName: string): number; getPointStyle(objName: string): number; getPointSize(objName: string): number; deleteObject(objName: string): void; setAnimating(objName: string, animate: boolean): void; setAnimationSpeed(objName: string, speed: number): void; startAnimation(): void; stopAnimation(): void; setAuxiliary(objName: string, auxiliary: boolean): void; hideCursorWhenDragging(hideCursorWhenDragging: boolean): void; isAnimationRunning(): boolean; getFrameRate(): number; renameObject(oldName: string, newName: string, force?: boolean): boolean; exists(objName: string): boolean; isDefined(objName: string): boolean; getValueString(objName: string, localized?: boolean): string; getListValue(objName: string, index: number): number; getDefinitionString(objName: string, localized?: boolean): string; getLaTeXString(objName: string): string; getLaTeXBase64(objName: string, value: boolean): string; getCommandString(objName: string, localized?: boolean): string; getCaption(objName: string, subst?: boolean): string; setCaption(objName: string, caption: string): void; getXcoord(objName: string): number; getYcoord(objName: string): number; getZcoord(objName: string): number; setCoords(objName: string, x: number, y: number, z: number): void; getValue(objName: string): number; getVersion(): string; getScreenshotBase64(callback: (data: string) => void, scale?: number): void; getThumbnailBase64(): string; setValue(objName: string, x: number): void; setTextValue(objName: string, x: string): void; setListValue(objName: string, x: number | boolean, y: number | boolean): void; setRepaintingActive(flag: boolean): void; setAxesVisible: { (x: boolean, y: boolean): void; (view: number, x: boolean, y: boolean, z: boolean): void; }; setAxisUnits(view: number, x: string, y: string, z: string): void; setAxisLabels(view: number, x: string, y: string, z: string): void; setAxisSteps(view: number, x: string, y: string, z: string): void; getAxisUnits(view: number): string[]; getAxisLabels(view: number): string[]; setPointCapture(view: number, capture?: number): void; getGridVisible(view?: number): boolean; setGridVisible: { (visible: boolean): void; (view: number, visible?: boolean): void; }; getAllObjectNames(objectType?: string): string[]; getObjectNumber(): number; getObjectName(i: number): string; getObjectType(objName: string): string; setMode(mode: number): void; getMode(): number; getToolName(i: number): string; openMaterial(material: string): void; undo(): void; redo(): void; newConstruction(): void; resetAfterSaveLoginCallbacks(): void; debug(str: string): void; setWidth(width: number): void; setHeight(height: number): void; setSize(width: number, height: number): void; enableRightClick(enable: boolean): void; enableLabelDrags(enable: boolean): void; enableShiftDragZoom(enable: boolean): void; showToolBar(show: boolean): void; setCustomToolBar(toolbarDef: string): void; showMenuBar(show: boolean): void; showAlgebraInput(show: boolean): void; showResetIcon(show: boolean): void; getViewProperties(view: number): string; setFont(label: string, size: number, bold: boolean, italic: boolean, serif: boolean): void; insertImage(url: string, corner1: string, corner2: string, corner4: string): string; addImage(fileName: string, urlOrSvgContent: string): void; recalculateEnvironments(): void; isIndependent(label: string): boolean; isMoveable(label: string): boolean; setPerspective(code: string): void; enableCAS(enable: boolean): void; enable3D(enable: boolean): void; getFileJSON(thumbnail?: boolean): { archive: { fileName: string; fileContent: string }[] }; setFileJSON(zip: { archive: { fileName: string; fileContent: string }[] }): void; setLanguage(lang: string): void; showTooltip(tooltip: boolean): void; addMultiuserSelection( clientId: string, name: string, color: string, label: string, newGeo: boolean ): void; removeMultiuserSelections(clientId: string): void; getExerciseFraction(): number; isExercise(): boolean; setExternalPath(path: string): void; checkSaved(path: () => void): void; getCASObjectNumber(): number; exportPGF(callback: (data: string) => void): void; exportSVG: { (filename: string): void; (callback: (svg: string) => void): void; }; exportPDF: { (scale: number, filename: string, sliderLabel: string): void; (scale: number, callback: (pdf: string) => void, sliderLabel: string): void; }; exportPSTricks(callback: (data: string) => void): void; exportAsymptote(callback: (data: string) => void): void; setRounding(digits: string): void; getRounding(): string; copyTextToClipboard(text: string): void; evalLaTeX(text: string, mode: number): void; evalMathML(text: string): boolean; getScreenReaderOutput(text: string): string; getEditorState(): string; setEditorState(state: string, label: string): void; getGraphicsOptions(viewId: number): GraphicsOptions; setGraphicsOptions(viewId: number, options: string | RecursivePartial): void; translate(arg1: string, callback: (data: string) => void): string; exportConstruction(flags: string[]): string; updateConstruction(): void; getConstructionSteps(breakpoints?: boolean): number; setConstructionStep(n: number, breakpoints?: boolean): void; previousConstructionStep(): void; nextConstructionStep(): void; getEmbeddedCalculators(includeGraspableMath?: boolean): Record; getFrame(): HTMLElement; enableFpsMeasurement(): void; disableFpsMeasurement(): void; testDraw(): void; startDrawRecording(): void; endDrawRecordingAndLogResults(): void; registerAddListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; unregisterAddListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; registerStoreUndoListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void; unregisterStoreUndoListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void; registerRemoveListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; unregisterRemoveListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; registerClearListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void; unregisterClearListener(JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void; registerRenameListener( JSFunctionName: string | ((oldName: string, newName: string) => void) ): void; unregisterRenameListener( JSFunctionName: string | ((oldName: string, newName: string) => void) ): void; registerUpdateListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; unregisterUpdateListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; registerClientListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((event: ClientEvent) => void)): void; unregisterClientListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((event: ClientEvent) => void)): void; registerObjectUpdateListener( objName: string, JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void) ): void; unregisterObjectUpdateListener(objName: string): void; registerObjectClickListener(objName: string, JSFunctionName: string | (() => void)): void; unregisterObjectClickListener(objName: string): void; registerClickListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; unregisterClickListener(JSFunctionName: string | ((objName: string) => void)): void; handleSlideAction(eventType: string, pageIdx: string, appState?: string): void; selectSlide(pageIdx: string): void; updateOrdering(labels: string): void; previewRefresh(): void; groupObjects(objects: string[]): void; ungroupObjects(objects: string[]): void; getObjectsOfItsGroup(object: string): string[]; addToGroup(item: string, objectsInGroup: string[]): void; setEmbedContent(label: string, base64: string): void; addGeoToTV(label: string): void; removeGeoFromTV(label: string): void; setValuesOfTV(values: string): void; showPointsTV(column: string, show: string): void; hasUnlabeledPredecessors(label: string): boolean; lockTextElement(label: string): void; unlockTextElement(label: string): void; } export type AxisConfiguration = { label: string | null, unitLabel: string | null, positiveAxis: boolean, showNumbers: boolean, tickStyle: number, visible: boolean } export type AxesConfiguration = { x: AxisConfiguration, y: AxisConfiguration, z: AxisConfiguration } export type GraphicsOptions = { axesColor: string, bgColor: string, gridColor: string, axes: AxesConfiguration, grid: boolean, gridDistance: {x: number | null, y: number | null}, gridType: number, pointCapturing: number, rightAngleStyle: number, rulerType: number } type RecursivePartial = { [P in keyof T]?: RecursivePartial; }; /** * @link https://wiki.geogebra.org/en/Reference:GeoGebra_Apps_API#Client_Events */ export type ClientEvent = // when new macro is added, `argument`: macro name | { type: "addMacro"; argument: string } // polygon construction started | { type: "addPolygon" } // polygon construction finished, `target`: polygon label | { type: "addPolygonComplete"; target: string } // Graphing / Geometry apps: algebra tab selected in sidebar | { type: "algebraPanelSelected" } // multiple objects deleted | { type: "deleteGeos" } // one or all objects removed from selection, `target`: object name (for single object) or null (deselect all) | { type: "deselect"; target: string | null } // mouse drag ended | { type: "dragEnd" } // dropdown list closed, `target`: dropdown list name, `index` index of selected item (0 based) */ | { type: "dropdownClosed"; target: string; index: number } // dropdown list item focused using mouse or keyboard, `target`: dropdown list name, `index` index of focused item (0 based) */ | { type: "dropdownItemFocused"; target: string; index: number } // dropdown list opened, `target`: dropdown list name | { type: "dropdownOpened"; target: string } // key typed in editor (Algebra view of any app or standalone Evaluator app), | { type: "editorKeyTyped" } // user moves focus to the editor (Algebra view of any app or standalone Evaluator app), `target:` object label if editing existing object | { type: "editorStart"; target?: string } // user (Algebra view of any app or standalone Evaluator app), `target`: object label if editing existing object | { type: "editorStop"; target?: string } // export started, `argument`: JSON encoded array including export format | { type: "export"; argument: string } // user pressed the mouse button, `x`: mouse x-coordinate, `y`: mouse y-coordinate | { type: "mouseDown"; x: number; y: number } // multiple objects move ended, `argument`: object labels | { type: "movedGeos"; argument: string[] } // multiple objects are being moved, `argument`: object labels | { type: "movingGeos"; argument: string[] } // dialog is opened (currently just for export dialog), `argument`: dialog ID | { type: "openDialog"; argument: string } // main menu or one of its submenus were open, `argument`: submenu ID | { type: "openMenu"; argument: string } // pasting multiple objects started, `argument`: pasted objects as XML | { type: "pasteElms"; argument: string } // pasting multiple objects ended, | { type: "pasteElmsComplete" } // perspective changed (e.g. a view was opened or closed), | { type: "perspectiveChange" } // redo button pressed, | { type: "redo" } // relation tool used, `argument`: HTML description of the object relation | { type: "relationTool"; argument: string } // custom tool removed, `argument`: custom tool name | { type: "removeMacro"; argument: string } // object renaming complete (in case of chain renames), | { type: "renameComplete" } // custom tool was renamed, `argument`: array [old name, new name] | { type: "renameMacro"; argument: [oldName: string, newName: string] } // object added to selection, `target`: object label | { type: "select"; target: string } // app mode changed (e.g. a tool was selected), `argument`: mode number (see toolbar reference for details) | { type: "setMode"; argument: string } // navigation bar visibility changed, `argument`: "true" or "false" | { type: "showNavigationBar"; argument: string } // style bar visibility changed, `argument`: "true" or "false" | { type: "showStyleBar"; argument: string } // side panel (where algebra view is in Graphing Calculator) closed, | { type: "sidePanelClosed" } // side panel (where algebra view is in Graphing Calculator) opened, | { type: "sidePanelOpened" } // table of values panel selected, | { type: "tablePanelSelected" } // tools panel selected, | { type: "toolsPanelSelected" } // undo pressed, | { type: "undo" } // object style changed, `target`: object label | { type: "updateStyle"; target: string } // graphics view dimensions changed by zooming or panning, `xZero`: horizontal pixel position of point (0,0), `yZero`: vertical pixel position of point (0,0), `xscale`: ratio pixels / horizontal units, `yscale`: ratio pixels / vertical units, `viewNo`: graphics view number (1 or 2) | { type: "viewChanged2D"; xZero: number; yZero: number; scale: number; yscale: number; viewNo: 1 | 2; } // 3D view dimensions changed by zooming or panning, similar to 2D, e.g. `xZero: 0,yZero: 0,scale: 50,yscale: 50,viewNo: 512,zZero: -1.5,zscale: 50,xAngle: -40,zAngle: 24` | { type: "viewChanged3D"; xZero: number; yZero: number; zZero: number; scale: number; yscale: number; zscale: number; xAngle: number; zAngle: number; viewNo: 1 | 2; };