{ name: 'archematics', version: '0.1.0', description: 'Uncovering lost digital mathematical treasures', scripts: { test: 'echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1', // Obtain additional source code needed: prebuild: 'bash tools/fetchDeps.bash', // Use civet to create .ts files from the source... build_ts1: 'mkdir -p tsbuild && civet -c -o tsbuild/.ts src/*.civet', // ... but also grab other existing files: build_ts2: 'cp -r etc/deps tsbuild', build_ts3: 'bash tools/copyDeps.bash tsbuild/deps', // Use the Typescript compiler to create the final .js files: build_js: 'tsc && mkdir -p public/js && cp -r jsbuild/* public/js', build_deps: 'bash tools/copyDeps.bash public/js/deps', build_plugin: 'bash tools/makePlugin.bash archematics', build: 'pnpm --sequential /build_/', start: 'node public/js', go: 'pnpm --sequential "/build|start/"', serve: 'pnpm build && http-server', clean: 'rm -rf tsbuild jsbuild public/js archematics archematics.zip', }, packageManager: 'pnpm', keywords: [ 'math', 'browser', 'plugin', ], author: 'Glen Whitney', license: 'MIT', repository: { type: 'git', url: 'https://code.studioinfinity.org/glen/archematics.git', }, devDependencies: { '@danielx/civet': '^0.6.72', '@types/firefox-webext-browser': '^120.0.0', '@types/jquery': '^3.5.29', '@webcomponents/custom-elements': '^1.6.0', 'http-server': '^14.1.1', rollup: '^4.10.0', typescript: '^5.3.3', 'webextension-polyfill': '^0.10.0', }, dependencies: { colorsea: '^1.2.1', vrml1to97: '^0.3.0', }, }