abort=Huy bo about.language=Ngon ngu about.name=School Geometry about.programmed=Lap trinh boi about.title=Thong tin chuong trinh arrowsize.prompt=Kich thuoc dang mui ten (mac dinh: 10) background.error=Khong the mo tap tin anh (.GIF hoac .JPG). bmpscaler.300dpi=300 dpi bmpscaler.72dpi=72 dpi bmpscaler.height=Chieu cao bmpscaler.illegal=Gia tri khong hop le bmpscaler.scale=Thua so bmpscaler.title=Co gian anh bmpscaler.width=Chieu rong bound.bind=Lien ket den doi tuong bound.error=Doi tuong khong the thiet lap! bound.release=Giai phong diem cancel=Huy bo clip.height=Chieu cao clip.screen=No Clipping clip.title=Set Clipping clip.width=Chieu rong close=Dong close.prompt=Ban co that su muon thoat khoi chuong trinh? close.title=Ket thuc color.type.invisible=An color.type.normal=Binh thuong color.type.thick=Day color.type.thin=Mong coloreditor.blue=Xanh duong coloreditor.color=Mau sac coloreditor.green=Xanh la cay coloreditor.red=Do coloreditor.title=Chinh sua mau sac colors.background=Mau nen colors.black=Den colors.blue=Xanh duong colors.brown=Nau colors.color0=Mau 1 (Den) colors.color1=Mau 2 (Xanh la cay) colors.color2=Mau 3 (Xanh duong) colors.color3=Mau 4 (Nau) colors.color4=Mau 5 (Xanh lam) colors.color5=Mau 6 (Do) colors.cyan=Xanh lam colors.default=Su dung mau mac dinh colors.green=Xanh la cay colors.red=Do colors.select=Tuy chon colors.target=Target comment.cancel=Huy bo comment.close=Dong comment.set=Thiet lap comment.title=Ghi chu configure.prompt=Nhap vao ten trinh duyet Web va dia chi trang web cua chuong trinh configure.title=Thiet lap trinh duyet Web constructiondisplay.all=Tat ca doi tuong constructiondisplay.angles=Goc constructiondisplay.circles=Hinh tron constructiondisplay.copy=Sao chep toi bo nho tam constructiondisplay.delete=Xoa doi tuong constructiondisplay.edit=Chinh sua doi tuong constructiondisplay.editconditions=Chinh sua co dieu kien constructiondisplay.expressions=Bieu thuc constructiondisplay.hide=An/Hien doi tuong constructiondisplay.invalid=Doi tuong khong hop le constructiondisplay.lines=Duong thang constructiondisplay.other=Nhung doi tuong khac constructiondisplay.points=Diem constructiondisplay.select=Tuy chon constructiondisplay.sorted=Sap xep doi tuong theo thu tu dung hinh constructiondisplay.superhide=Sieu an constructiondisplay.title=Dung hinh constructiondisplay.visible=Khong hien thi doi tuong an date=Build definemacro.comment=Ghi chu trong Macro definemacro.invisible=An thanh cong definemacro.name=Ten definemacro.nomacro=Khong the chay Macro! definemacro.noparams=Tham so can thiet cho Macro! definemacro.parameters=Dau nhac tham so("=ten") definemacro.promptfor=Dau nhac thay the cho definemacro.targetsonly=An su dung hinh definemacro.title=Dinh nghia Macro digits.angles=Goc digits.edit=Chinh sua digits.lengths=Hien thi digits.title=Thiet lap hien thi phan thap phan done=Dung! edit.Title=Thuoc tinh edit.alias=Ten hieu edit.angle.displaysize=Hien thi do lon edit.angle.large=Lon edit.angle.length=Do lon edit.angle.normal=Trung binh edit.angle.small=Nho edit.angle.title=Chinh sua goc edit.area.area=Pham vi edit.area.back=Trong hinh nen edit.area.title=Chinh sua hinh da giac edit.cancel=Huy bo edit.circle.bounds=Hien thi cung edit.circle.length=Ban kinh edit.circle.partial=Hien thi edit.circle.range=Thiet lap cung... edit.circle.title=Chinh sua hinh tron edit.color=Mau sac edit.discrete=Roi rac edit.equation=Phuong trinh edit.expression=Bieu thuc edit.expression.prompt=Loi giai thich edit.expression.slider=Hien thi con truot edit.expression.title=Chinh sua bieu thuc edit.fixed=Co dinh vi tri edit.fixedangle.set=Thiet lap kich thuoc edit.fixedcircle.set=Thiet lap do lon edit.function.center=Ham so trung voi truc x edit.function.free=Release Center edit.function.title=Ham so hoac duong cong edit.hidden=An edit.intersection.alternate=Co the luan phien edit.line.invisible=An edit.line.normal=Binh thuong edit.line.thick=Day edit.line.thin=Mong edit.line.title=Chinh sua edit.line.type=Kieu edit.name=Ten edit.ok=Dong y edit.plumb.restricted=Gioi han edit.point.away=Xa edit.point.bound=Thuoc doi tuong edit.point.close=Close to edit.point.colortype=Day edit.point.free=Free edit.point.intersection=Tach ra tu` edit.point.showvalue=Hien thi toa do edit.point.title=Chinh sua diem edit.point.type=Kieu edit.point.x=x edit.point.y=y edit.segment.length=Do dai edit.segment.showvalue=Hien thi do dai edit.showname=Hien thi ten edit.text=Ghi chu edit.text.settings=Tuy chon edit.text.title=Thiet lap ghi chu edit.track.dmin=Minimal step (default 0.001) edit.unit=Don vi editconditionals.background=Hinh nen editconditionals.hidden=An editconditionals.showname=Hien thi ten editconditionals.showvalue=Hien thi gia tri editconditionals.solid=Not Transparent editconditionals.superhidden=An thanh cong editconditionals.title=Chinh sua co dieu kien editconditionals.visible=Binh thuong editconditionals.z=Z-Buffer Value editrun.load=Mieu ta khac editrun.run=Luu va chay editrun.title=Chinh sua mieu ta cach dung hinh error.depends=Doi tuong % phu thuoc vao doi tuong hien hanh error.fixedsegment=Khong the co dinh doan thang nay! error.image=Image not in same folder as construction? error.objecttracker.depends=The point is bound to another object! error.setaway=This point is not defined before the intersection! exception.animate=Thong so chay hieu ung khong hop le! exception.boolean=Boolean Value must be true of false! exception.bracket=Thieu dau dong ngoac! exception.brackets=Dau ngoac khong hop le! exception.canfix=Doi tuong nay khong the co dinh! exception.clipboardcopy=Sao chep khong thanh cong! exception.color=Mau sac khong hop le! exception.colortype=Do day khong hop le! exception.depends=Doi tuong % phu thuoc vao doi tuong hien hanh exception.dot=Two dots in number! exception.double=Name is not unique! exception.elementary=Phan tu khong hop le trong bieu thuc! exception.expression=Bieu thuc khong hop le! exception.fix=Gia tri khong hop le! exception.function=Ham so khong hop le! exception.job=Thong so tinh toan khong hop le! exception.macro=Thong so macro khong hop le! exception.macroparameter=Thong so Macro khong hop le! exception.macrotarget=Illegal Macro Target! exception.name=Thieu ten! exception.nodigit=No digit found in number! exception.notfound=Doi tuong khong the thiet lap hoac chua duoc dinh nghia! exception.novalue=Gia tri khong hop le! exception.nparams=Thong so khong hop le cua tham so! exception.parameter=Thong so cua ham khong hop le! exception.parameters=Thong so khong hop le! exception.printsize=Trang giay nay qua nho de dung hinh! exception.prompt=Illegal prompt oject! exception.prompt.parameter=Prompt object may not be a parameter! exception.quotes=Closing quotes missing! exception.superfluous=Bieu thuc khong hop le! exception.track=Illegal Track Parameters! exception.type=Kieu hien thi diem khong hop le! exception.value=Gia tri khong hop le! export.3D=Duong vien export.appletcolor=Use for applet background export.background=Save defined Background export.backgroundcolor=Use for page background export.breaks=Xem lai tai nhung diem dung export.codebase=Codebase export.color=Mau sac export.colors=Luu mau sac dinh nghia export.comment=Luu ghi chu export.digits=Luu ky so export.file=Construction File export.full=Duong vien, bieu tuong va trang thai export.height=Chieu cao export.icons=Duong vien va bieu tuong export.jar=Tap tin Jar export.job=Display as Assignment export.jumpsol=Jump to Solution export.linksol=Link to Solution export.nonvisual=Duong vien, Icons va Duong thang bat dau export.pagetitle=Tieu de cua trang export.plain=Don gian export.popup=Hien thi thanh Menu export.restrictedmove=Han che su di chuyen export.savefirst=Tap tin nay khong the luu! export.savesol=Save Solution File export.setcolor=Chon mau sac export.setsize=Get Size export.signature=Created with C.a.R. by R. Grothmann export.soltext=Solution export.solution=Solution File export.style=Applet Style export.stylesheet=Tap tin kieu CSS export.title=Xuat ra thanh dang tap tin HTML export.track=Track Point export.width=Chieu rong export.zoom=Phong to / thu nho voi chuot expression.value=Gia tri false=Sai file.exists.overwrite=Tap tin dang ton tai! Ban co muon thay doi tren tap tin nay? file.exists.title=Tap tin dang ton tai filedialog.backgroundload=Tai hinh nen filedialog.backgroundload.action=Tai filedialog.htmlsave=Luu thanh dang HTML filedialog.htmlsave.action=Luu filedialog.imageload=Tai hinh filedialog.imageload.action=Tai filedialog.open=Mo filedialog.open.action=Mo filedialog.saveas=Luu voi ten khac... filedialog.saveas.action=Luu function=restrict.short=restrict function.acute=Goc nhon function.acute.short=Goc nhon function.back=Hinh nen function.back.short=Quay lai function.color=Mau sac function.color.short=Mau sac function.dvar=Step function.fill=Fill function.fill.short=fill function.hide=An function.hide.short=An function.obtuse=Goc tu function.obtuse.short=Goc tu function.partial=Partial function.partial.short=part function.rename=Ten function.rename.short=Ten function.solid=Solid function.solid.short=solid function.thickness=Day function.thickness.short=Day function.type=Kieu function.type.short=Kieu function.value=Gia tri function.value.short=Gia tri function.var=Bien so function.varmax=Den function.varmin=Tu function.window=Cua so function.window.short=Cua so function.x=Gia tri cua x function.y=Gia tri cua y help=Tro giup help.error=Khong the mo tap tin tro giup! help.file=schoolgeometry.txt help.title=Tro giup homefile=index.html homepage=http://www.z-u-l.de/ iconbar.showseparators=Hien thi dang phan cat iconedit.showseparators=Hien thi dang phan cat iconedit.title=Chinh sua thanh cong cu iconedit.twobars=Hien thi day du thanh cong cu iconhelp.allback=To the start iconhelp.allforward=To the end iconhelp.angle=Goc (a) iconhelp.angle?=Do lon iconhelp.anglereduce=Don't show angle ray iconhelp.animate=Hieu ung (") iconhelp.animatebreak=Animate breakpoints iconhelp.area=Hinh da giac (0) iconhelp.arrow=Tao doan thang theo dang hinh mui ten (Ctrl-F11) iconhelp.back=Xoa doi tuong cuoi (<-) iconhelp.bold=Hien thi font chu dam iconhelp.boundedpoint=Diem thuoc doi tuong (5)+Shift: Khong co dinh doi tuong iconhelp.chord=Hien thi doan thang iconhelp.circle=Hinh tron (c) iconhelp.circle3=Hinh tron tu 3 diem (3) iconhelp.close=Dong iconhelp.color=Thiet lap mau sac mac dinh cua doi tuong (Ctrl-1,2,3,4) iconhelp.color?=Mau sac iconhelp.comment=Hien thi va chinh sua ghi chu (F10) iconhelp.control.edit=Chinh sua doi tuong cuoi iconhelp.control.hide=An ban sao iconhelp.control.runmacro=Chay lai Macro cuoi iconhelp.defaults=Thiet lap mac dinh iconhelp.delete=Xoa doi tuong va doi tuong con cua no (Del) iconhelp.draw=Ve voi chuot iconhelp.edit=Chinh sua doi tuong (e)+Shift: Chinh sua nhieu doi tuong+Ctrl: Chinh sua doi tuong cuoi iconhelp.expression=Bieu thuc so hoc (x) iconhelp.fastback=Quay lai nhanh iconhelp.fastforward=Tien toi nhanh iconhelp.filled=Filled object iconhelp.fixedangle=Goc voi do lon co dinh (.) iconhelp.fixedcircle=Hinh tron voi ban kinh co dinh (,) iconhelp.fixedsegment=Doan thang voi do dai co dinh (#) iconhelp.function=Tao ham so iconhelp.grab=Huy bo hinh nen iconhelp.grid=Hien thi he truc toa do - dang luoi (F12) iconhelp.hidden=Hien / An doi tuong (F9) iconhelp.hide=An doi tuong (h) iconhelp.image=Tai hinh (_) iconhelp.indicate=Xem truoc ket qua dung hinh iconhelp.info=Noi dung tro giup iconhelp.intersection=Giao diem (i) iconhelp.inverse=Goc doi xung iconhelp.isback=Draws in background iconhelp.large=Hien thi font chu lon iconhelp.line=Duong thang (g) iconhelp.load=Mo tap tin... (Ctrl-o) iconhelp.longnames=Hien thi ten day du cua doi tuong (Ctrl-F8) iconhelp.macro=Thiet lap thong so Macro, muc dich va dinh nghia (7,8,Ctrl-5) iconhelp.macro0=Thiet lap thong so Macro, muc dich va dinh nghia iconhelp.midpoint=Trung diem (4) iconhelp.move=Di chuyen diem (m)+Ctrl(Diem): Hien thi vi tri ban dau cua diem+Ctrl: Di chuyen doi tuong co dinh+Shift: Di chuyen nhieu doi tuong iconhelp.new=Tao moi (Ctrl-n) iconhelp.nextbreak=Jump to next break iconhelp.nohelp=Phan nay khong co trong tro giup! iconhelp.noindicate=Do not indicate objects under mouse iconhelp.objecttracker=Automatic track of a point or a line (o)+Strg: Keep Track (Shift-Enter) iconhelp.obtuse=Tao goc lon hon 1800 (Ctrl-F12) iconhelp.oneback=Quay lai iconhelp.oneforward=Tien toi iconhelp.parallel=Duong thang song song (1) iconhelp.partial=Hien thi mac dinh 1 phan hinh tron (Ctrl-F9) iconhelp.plines=Hien thi mac dinh 1 phan duong thang (Ctrl-F10) iconhelp.plumb=Duong thang vuong goc (2) iconhelp.point=Diem (p) iconhelp.qchoice=Show dialog for object selection iconhelp.qintersection=Ask for intersections iconhelp.qpointon=Ask to create point on object iconhelp.quadric=Duong Conic di qua 5 diem ($) iconhelp.ray=Tia (r) iconhelp.rename=Doi ten moi A,B,C,... iconhelp.replay=Xem lai viec dung hinh iconhelp.runmacro=Chay Macro (9)+Ctrl: Chay Macro cuoi iconhelp.save=Luu tap tin (Ctrl-s) iconhelp.segment=Doan thang (s) iconhelp.setbreak=Toggle break+Shift: Hidden breakpoint iconhelp.showcolor=Mau sac doi tuong (Alt-1,2,3,4) iconhelp.showname=Hien thi ten mac dinh cua doi tuong (Ctrl-F6) iconhelp.showvalue=Hien thi toa do cua doi tuong (Ctrl-F7) iconhelp.solid=Do not use transparency by default iconhelp.text=Ghi chu tren nhieu dong (b) iconhelp.thickness=Thiet lap muc do day mong cho doi tuong (Alt-5,6,7) iconhelp.thickness0=Mong iconhelp.thickness?=Day iconhelp.tracker=Track a point or a line (t) iconhelp.twolines=Hien thi day du thanh cong cu iconhelp.type=Thiet lap kieu hien thi diem (Ctrl-5,6,7,8,9,0) iconhelp.type0=Thiet lap kieu hien thi diem iconhelp.type?=Kieu diem iconhelp.undo=Huy bo thao tac cuoi vua thuc hien (Ctrl-z) iconhelp.visual=Toggle visual construction mode iconhelp.zoom=Phong to / thu nho voi chuot (%) info.back=Quay lai info.noresults=Chuoi khong the thiet lap! info.notfound=Chu de khong the thiet lap! info.related=Nhung chu de co lien quan info.search=Tim kiem info.searchresults=- Ket qua tim kiem - info.select=- Tuy chon - info.start=Bat dau info.title=Noi dung tro giup jobcomment.title=Assignment language.prompt=Ngon ngu bat dau khi chay chuong tring language.title=Thiet lap ngon ngu latexsettings.boundingbox=Create Bounding box bb-file latexsettings.dollar=LaTeX does $...$ latexsettings.doubledollar=LaTeX does $$...$$ latexsettings.fullpath=Duong dan cua tap tin latexsettings.latexinput=Tao tap tin LaTeX latexsettings.nodollar=LaTeX does all other strings latexsettings.title=Setup LaTeX export load=Tai loading=Dang tai, vui long cho! macro.prompt.illegal=Gia tri khong hop le! macro.prompt.prompt=Nh\u1eadp 1 gia tri v`o tham so macro.prompt.title=Parameter Prompt macro.replace=Thay the Macro: macro.replace.all=Tat ca macro.replace.title=Macro duoc thay the macro.usage=Wrong use of macro (see tips)! menu.actions=Chinh sua menu.actions.angles=Goc menu.actions.circles=Hinh tron menu.actions.complex=Nhung cong cu nang cao menu.actions.decorative=Nhung doi tuong phu menu.actions.elementary=Nhung cong cu co ban menu.actions.lines=Duong thang menu.actions.move=Di chuyen menu.actions.points=Diem menu.background=Hinh nen menu.background.center=Canh giua hinh nen menu.background.clear=Xoa bo hinh nen menu.background.grab=Hinh nen hien tai menu.background.load=Tai hinh nen... menu.background.tile=Hien thi dang xep ke nhau menu.background.usesize=Tro lai kich thuoc ban dau cua hinh menu.background.usewidth=Dieu chinh chieu cao thich hop menu.bp.animatebreak=Animate Breakpoints menu.bp.clearbreak=Xoa tat ca diem ngat menu.bp.setbreak=Thiet lap diem ngat menu.bp.sethidingbreak=Thiet lap an diem ngat menu.colors=Thiet lap mau sac menu.file=Tap tin menu.file.alwaysclearmacros=Clear Macros before Loading menu.file.clearmacros=Xoa tat ca Macro menu.file.clip=Clip for Graphics Output... menu.file.compress=Nen tap tin khi luu menu.file.copypng=Luu vao bo nho tam menu.file.editrun=Chinh sua tap tin *.run (Ctrl-x) menu.file.exit=Thoat (Alt-F4) menu.file.includemacros=Tat ca Macro menu.file.load=Mo tap tin... (Ctrl-o) menu.file.loadjob=Mo tap tin *.job,*.jobz... (Ctrl-j) menu.file.loadrun=Mo tap tin *.run... (Ctrl-r) menu.file.new=Tao moi (Ctrl-n) menu.file.print=In... menu.file.print.isoscale=Co dan 1:1 theo cm menu.file.save=Luu tap tin (Ctrl-s) menu.file.saveas=Luu voi ten moi... (Ctrl-a) menu.file.savebmp=Luu thanh dang BMP... menu.file.saveeps=Luu thanh dang EPS... menu.file.savefig=Luu thanh dang FIG... menu.file.savegraphics=Luu tap tin thanh dang... menu.file.savejob=Save as Assignment... (Ctrl-k) menu.file.savepdf=Luu thanh dang PDF menu.file.savepng=Luu tap tin thanh dang PNG menu.file.savesvg=Luu thanh dang SVG... menu.fonts=Font chu menu.grid.options=Tuy chon hien thi dang luoi menu.help=Tro giup menu.help.about=Thong tin chuong trinh menu.help.browser=Xem tro giup va demo tren trang web menu.help.configure=Configure the Browser menu.help.gui=Giao dien nguoi dung menu.help.help=Tro giup (F1) menu.help.info=Muc luc tro giup menu.help.interactive=Descriptive Constructions menu.help.macros=About Macros menu.help.text=Tro giup nhanh menu.help.tips=Mot vai thu thuat menu.help.tools=The Tools menu.help.welcome=Thong tin ve phien ban hien hanh menu.macros=Macro menu.moresettings=Thiet lap menu.options=Tuy chon menu.options.all=Tat ca menu.options.arrow=Tao doan thang theo dang hinh mui ten (Ctrl-F11) menu.options.back=Xoa doi tuong cuoi (<-) menu.options.boldfont=Font chu dam menu.options.cleardraw=Huy bo thao tac ve (Esc) menu.options.comment=Chinh sua ghi cu (F10) menu.options.constructiondisplay=Hien thi mo ta menu.options.defaultcolor=Mau sac mac dinh menu.options.defaultthickness=Do day mac dinh menu.options.defaulttype=Kieu diem mac dinh menu.options.editicons=Chinh sua thanh cong cu menu.options.editlast=Chinh sua doi tuong cuoi menu.options.export=Thiet lap hien thi menu.options.exportsettings=Nhung thiet lap danh rieng... menu.options.finegrid=Hien thi he truc toa do menu.options.function=Tao ham so menu.options.grid=Hien thi he truc toa do - dang luoi (F12) menu.options.hidden=Hien / An nhung doi tuong an menu.options.hideduplicates=An ban sao cua doi tuong menu.options.largefont=Kich thuoc font lon menu.options.leftsnap=Snap with Left Button Drag menu.options.longnames=Hien thi ten day du cua doi tuong menu.options.minfontsize=Kich thuoc font nho menu.options.minpointsize=Kich thuoc diem nho menu.options.obtuse=Tao goc lon hon 1800 (Ctrl-F12) menu.options.other=Thiet lap menu.options.partial=Tao hinh tron mac dinh hien thi 1 phan (Ctrl-F9) menu.options.plines=Tao duong thang mac dinh hien thi 1 phan (Ctrl-F10) menu.options.printscalepreview=Xem truoc khi in (Ctrl-F3) menu.options.printscaler=Thiet lap kich thuoc... menu.options.restricted=Gioi han giao diem menu.options.setdigits=Thiet lap hien thi phan thap phan menu.options.setgrid=Set Grid Width... menu.options.showcolor=Hien thi mau sac menu.options.shownames=Hien thi ten doi tuong (Ctrl-F6) menu.options.showvalues=Hien thi gia tri doi tuong (Ctrl-F7) menu.options.sizes=Thiet lap kich thuoc... menu.options.solid=Do not use Transparency menu.options.track=Keep Track (Shift-Enter) menu.options.undo=Huy bo thao tac xoa vua thuc hien (Ctrl-z) menu.options.visual=Chuc nang tao doi tuong bang chuot menu.settings=Nhung thiet lap danh rieng menu.settings.autohide=Hide second Intersection Point menu.settings.backups=Luu tru du phong menu.settings.beginner=Giao dien mac dinh menu.settings.bitmapbackground=Su dung mau nen trong Bitmaps menu.settings.boundingbox=Create Bounding Box (bb) file menu.settings.choice=Show selection Dialog for Objects menu.settings.constructiondisplay=Hien thi dang sach doi tuong (F11) menu.settings.doubleclick=Nhap 2 lan phai chuot de tao Macro menu.settings.filedialog=Replace system file dialog menu.settings.font.bold=Font chu dam menu.settings.font.default=Font chu mac dinh menu.settings.font.large=Font chu lon menu.settings.fullicons=Use two full Icon Bars menu.settings.iconbartop=Hien thi thanh cong cu nam phia tren menu.settings.indicate=Hien thi nhung doi tuong tu dong phat sinh menu.settings.indicate.simple=Khong hien thi truoc ket qua hinh ve menu.settings.intersection=Ask before creating an Intersection menu.settings.language=Thiet lap ngon ngu menu.settings.minfontsize=Kich thuoc font chu toi thieu menu.settings.minpointsize=Kich thuoc diem toi thieu menu.settings.minwidth=Do day duong thang la 1 menu.settings.movefixname=Hien thi gia tri doi tuong co dinh khi di chuyen menu.settings.movename=Hien thi gia tri doi tuong khi di chuyen menu.settings.oldicons=Hien thi dang bieu tuong cu menu.settings.pointon=Ask before creating a Point on an Object menu.settings.restricted=Nhung chuc nang don gian menu.settings.scalepdf=Scale PDF and EPS output 1:1 menu.settings.showtips=Hien thi chu thich cong cu menu.settings.simplegraphics=Giam do min cho hinh ve menu.settings.smallicons=Hien thi dang bieu tuong nho menu.settings.smartboard=Smartboard Mode menu.settings.squarepoints=Draw points always as squares menu.settings.sure=Confirm before Loading and Closing menu.settings.utf=Su dung ma UTF-8 menu.special=Special menu.special.break=Diem ngat menu.special.definemacro=Dinh nghia 1 Macro (Ctrl-F5) menu.special.deletemacros=Xoa Macro... menu.special.export=Luu tap tin thanh dang HTML... (Ctrl-e) menu.special.exporttemplate=Xuat tap tin HTML thanh dang mau menu.special.jobcomment=Set Assignment Text... (F8) menu.special.loadmacros=Tai Macro... menu.special.renamemacro=Doi ten Macro... menu.special.replay=Xem lai cach dung hinh do menu.special.restricticons=Gioi han thanh cong cu menu.special.runmacro=Chay 1 Macro... (F5) menu.special.savemacros=Luu Macro... menu.special.testjob=Test this Assignment (Ctrl-F1) menu.zoom=Phong to / Thu nho menu.zoom.down=Di chuyen xuong duoi (Nut di chuyen xuong) menu.zoom.in=Phong to (+) menu.zoom.left=Di chuyen qua ben trai (Nut di chuyen qua trai ) menu.zoom.out=Thu nho (-) menu.zoom.right=Di chuyen qua ben phai (Nut di chuyen qua phai) menu.zoom.up=Di chuyen len tren (Nut di chuyen len tren) message=Thong bao message.angle.first=Goc: Diem thu nhat? message.angle.root=Goc: Dinh goc ? message.angle.second=Goc: Diem thu hai (Shift: Co dinh kich thuoc)? message.animatebreak=Animate breakpoints: click to stop (shift left/right for speed)! message.animator.point=Hieu ung: Diem muon chay hieu ung? message.animator.running=Hieu ung: Chay hieu ung (click to stop)! message.animator.segment=Hieu ung: Chon hinh tron hoac doan thang? message.area=Hinh da giac: Dinh? message.boundedpoint=Diem thuoc doi tuong: Chon doi tuong ma diem thuoc (hinh tron hoac duong thang) (Shift: Khong co dinh diem khi di chuyen doi tuong)? message.circle.midpoint=Hinh tron: Tam? message.circle.radius=Hinh tron: Diem thuoc hinh tron (Shift: Co dinh ban kinh)? message.circle3.first=Hinh tron: Ban kinh thu nhat? message.circle3.midpoint=Hinh tron: Tam? message.circle3.second=Hinh tron: Ban kinh thu hai? message.delete=Xoa: Chon doi tuong can xoa! message.draw=Ve bang chuot (Nhan ESC de xoa thao tac ve) message.edit=Chinh sua doi tuong: Chon doi tuong can chinh sua (shift: Chinh sua nhieu doi tuong, ctrl: Chinh sua co dieu kien)? message.expression=Arithmetic Expression: Select a place! message.fixedangle.first=Goc voi do lon co dinh: Diem thu nhat? message.fixedangle.root=Goc voi do lon co dinh: Dinh? message.fixedangle.second=Goc voi do lon co dinh: Diem thu hai? message.fixedcircle.midpoint=Hinh tron voi do lon co dinh: Tam? message.fixedcircle.radius=Hinh tron voi do lon co dinh: Ban kinh? message.fixedsegment.first=Doan thang voi do dai co dinh: Diem thu nhat? message.fixedsegment.second=Doan thang voi do dai co dinh: Diem thu hai? message.hide=An / Hien: Chon doi tuong can an / hien! message.image=Image anchor point % message.image.last=Last image anchor point (or choose selected point) message.intersection.first=Giao diem: Doi tuong thu nhat? message.intersection.second=Giao diem: Doi tuong thu hai? message.label.move=Di chuyen nhan ten: Nhan ten can di chuyen! message.label.select=Di chuyen nhan ten: Chon nhan ten ma ban muon di chuyen! message.line.first=Duong thang: Diem thu nhat? message.line.second=Duong thang: Diem thu hai? message.midpoint.first=Trung diem: Diem thu nhat? message.midpoint.second=Trung diem: Diem thu hai? message.move.move=Di chuyen: Di chuyen diem\ message.move.select=Di chuyen(m)): Chon diem can di chuyen (Shift: Di chuyen nhieu doi tuong. / Ctrl+(Diem): Hien thi vi tri ban dau cua doi tuong / Ctrl: Di chuyen hinh tron co dinh) message.objecttracker.move=Autotrack: Move the point! message.objecttracker.object=Autotrack: Line or circle, point on object, slider? message.objecttracker.select=Autotrack: Point or line to track (shift: more)? message.objecttracker.selectanypoint=Autotrack: Any other point to move? message.objecttracker.selectpoint=Autotrack: Point to be moved on line or circle? message.objecttracker.start=Autotrack: Bat dau chay hieu ung! message.objecttracker.stop=Autotrack: Click to stop (shift left/right for speed)! message.parallel.first=Song song: Doi tuong can lay song song? message.parallel.second=Song song: Diem thuoc duong thang song song voi doi tuong cho truoc? message.parameters=Thong so Macro: Nhung doi tuong can lay thong so? message.plumb.first=Vuong goc: Doi tuong can lay vuong goc? message.plumb.second=Vuong goc: Diem thuoc duong thang vuong goc voi doi tuong cho truoc? message.point=Diem: Chon 1 diem (Shift: Co dinh diem)! message.quadric=Duong Conic: Diem thu message.range.first=Set range: Draw the circle from which point... message.range.second=Set range: ...to which point? message.ray.first=Tia: Diem goc? message.ray.second=Tia: Diem thu hai thuoc tia? message.rename=Chon doi tuong can thay doi ten ! message.reorder=Sap xep doi tuong: Chon doi tuong sap xep! message.runmacro=Macro %: %. % - % message.runmacro.fixes=(Shift: De co dinh) message.runmacro.return=(Nhan SPACE tuy chon %) message.savejob.first=Define Assignment: Last displayed object? message.savejob.second=Define Assignment: Target object (shift: don't check)? message.savejob.third=Define Assignment: Further objects to be displayed? message.saving=Vui long cho! message.segment.first=Doan thang: Diem thu nhat? message.segment.second=Doan thang: Diem thu hai (Shift: Co dinh chieu dai doan thang)? message.setaway.away=Keep the intersection away from which point? message.setaway.close=Keep the intersection close to which point? message.setcenter=Chon diem nam giua! message.setfixedangle.first=Thiet lap goc co dinh: Diem thu nhat? message.setfixedangle.second=Thiet lap goc co dinh: Diem thu hai? message.setfixedangle.third=Thiet lap goc co dinh: Diem thu ba? message.setfixedcircle.first=Thiet lap hinh tron co dinh: Diem thu nhat? message.setfixedcircle.second=Thiet lap hinh tron co dinh: Diem thu hai? message.targets=Macro Targets: Target objects? message.text=Ghi chu: Chon vi tri dat ghi chu! message.tracker.move=Track: Move the point! message.tracker.select=Track: Point or line to track (shift: more)? message.tracker.selectpoint=Track: Point to move? message.zoom=Di chuyen nut cuon tren chuot de phong to / thu nho minfontsize.prompt=Kich thuoc font nho nhat (Mac dinh: 12) minlinesize.prompt=Do day nho nhat cua duong thang (Mac dinh: 1) minpointsize.prompt=Kich thuoc nho nhat cua diem (Mac dinh: 3) myfiledialog.back=Quay lai myfiledialog.dir=Muc luc myfiledialog.file=Tap tin myfiledialog.homedir=Tap tin CaR myfiledialog.mkdir=Soan thao muc luc myfiledialog.oldfiles=Tap tin cu myfiledialog.pattern=Extensions myfiledialog.windowshome=My Documents name.Angle=Goc name.Circle=Hinh tron name.Circle3=Hinh tron name.Expression=Bieu thuc name.FixedAngle=Goc co dinh name.Intersection=Giao diem name.Line=Duong thang name.Midpoint=Trung diem name.OtherIntersection=Giao diem name.Parallel=Duong thang song song name.Plumb=Duong thang vuong goc name.Point=Diem name.PointOn=Doi tuong diem name.Polygon=Hinh da giac name.Quadric=Duong Conic name.Ray=Tia name.Segment=Doan thang name.TwoPointLine=Duong thang di qua 2 diem name.short.Angle=a name.short.Circle=c name.short.Circle3=c name.short.Expression=E name.short.Function=f name.short.Intersection=I name.short.Line=l name.short.Midpoint=M name.short.OtherIntersection=I name.short.Parallel=pl name.short.Plumb=p name.short.Point=P name.short.PointOn=OP name.short.Polygon=poly name.short.Quadric=Q name.short.Ray=r name.short.Segment=s name.short.Track=Tr no=Khong objects.angle=Goc objects.animate=Hieu ung objects.area=Hinh da giac objects.boundedpoint=Diem thuoc doi tuong objects.circle=Hinh tron objects.circle3=Hinh tron qua 3 diem objects.definejob=Define an Assignment objects.delete=Xoa doi tuong va doi tuong con cua no objects.draw=Ve voi chuot objects.edit=Chinh sua diem objects.expression=Arithmetic Expression objects.fixedangle=Goc co dinh objects.fixedcircle=Hinh tron voi kich thuoc co dinh objects.fixedsegment=Doan thang voi do dai co dinh objects.hide=An doi tuong objects.image=Tai hinh (_) objects.intersection=Giao diem objects.line=Duong thang objects.midpoint=Trung diem objects.move=Di chuyen diem objects.objecttracker=Track a Point or a Line on an Object objects.parallel=Duong thang song song objects.parameter=Thiet lap thong so Macro objects.plumb=Duong thang vuong goc objects.point=Diem objects.quadric=Duong Conic objects.ray=Tia objects.rename=Thay doi ten... objects.reorder=Sap xep doi tuong objects.runmacro=Chay Macro objects.segment=Doan thang objects.targets=Set Macro Targets objects.text=Ghi chu objects.tracker=Track a Point or a Line objects.zoom=Phong to / Thu nho bang chuot objectsedit.title=Chinh sua thuoc tinh ok=Dong y pattern=*.zir *.job *.xml pattern.bitmap=*.bmp pattern.export=*.html *.htm pattern.job=*.job *.xml pattern.macro=*.mcr pattern.run=*.run point.type.circle=Hinh tron point.type.cross=Dang dau + point.type.dcross=Dang dau x point.type.diamond=Hinh thoi point.type.dot=Dang dau . point.type.square=Hinh vuong popup.empty=--- Macros --- popup.hidden=Hien thi doi tuong an popup.replay=Xem lai cach dung hinh printscaler.aspect=Keep Aspect Ratio printscaler.dpi=Resolution (in dpi, default 300) printscaler.h=Chieu cao (theo pixel) printscaler.height=Chieu cao (theo cm) printscaler.latex=Luu dang LaTeX printscaler.linewidth=Do day duong thang (theo cm , mac dinh 0.02) printscaler.middle=Cut out from screen printscaler.pointsize=Kich thuoc diem (theo cm, mac dinh 0.07) printscaler.preset=Make a Choice printscaler.preset.300dpi=Co gian ra 300DPI printscaler.preset.300dpi12=12 cm width with 300 DPI printscaler.preset.300dpi16=16 cm Width with 300 DPI printscaler.preset.300dpi6=6 cm Width with 300 DPI printscaler.preset.clip50=Window Size Clipped 50% printscaler.preset.latex10=LaTeX 10pt printscaler.preset.window=Kich thuoc cua so printscaler.presets=Thiet lap so bo printscaler.scale=Scale (relativ to screen) printscaler.screen=300 DPI printscaler.sizes=Nhap gia tri printscaler.textsize=Kich thuoc (theo cm, mac dinh 0.3) printscaler.title=Thiet lap kich thuoc printscaler.w=Chieu rong (theo pixel) printscaler.width=Chieu rong (theo cm) program.date=2006-11 program.name=C.a.R program.version=5.2 prompt.angle==a(,,) prompt.area=A(,,) prompt.circle==c(,) prompt.circle3==c(,,) prompt.function=function(,,,,,) prompt.image=image(,,,) prompt.intersection==I(,) prompt.line==l(,) prompt.midpoint==M(,) prompt.parallel==pl(,) prompt.plumb==p(,) prompt.point==P prompt.pointon==P() prompt.quadric=quadric(,,,,) prompt.ray==r(,) prompt.segment==s(,) question.again=HOi lai lan sau. question.intersection=Tao giao diem? question.pointon=Tao diem thuoc doi tuong do? question.title=Cau hoi renamemacro.name=Ten moi cua Macro renamemacro.title=Doi ten Macro reorder.message=Chen vao phia sau reorder.notfound=Doi tuong khong hop le! reorder.title=Push objects reorder.warning=Could not do that! replay.title=Xem lai save=Luu savequestion.qsave=Ban co muon luu tap tin? savequestion.title=Luu select.all=Tat ca select.cancel=Huy bo select.comment=Hien thi ghi chu select.comment.title=Ghi chu Macro select.ok=Dong y select.title=Tuy chon selectionsize.prompt=Tuy chon kich thuoc (mac dinh: 1.5) setgrid.prompt=Nhap vao chieu rong cua luoi setgrid.set=Thiet lap setgrid.title=Grid Width shortcuts.angle=a shortcuts.animate=" shortcuts.area=0 shortcuts.boundedpoint=5 shortcuts.circle=c shortcuts.circle3=3 shortcuts.color.0=(Ctrl-1) shortcuts.color.1=(Ctrl-2) shortcuts.color.2=(Ctrl-3) shortcuts.color.3=(Ctrl-4) shortcuts.definejob=6 shortcuts.delete=Del shortcuts.draw=; shortcuts.edit=e shortcuts.expression=x shortcuts.fixedangle=. shortcuts.fixedcircle=, shortcuts.fixedsegment=# shortcuts.hide=h shortcuts.image=_ shortcuts.intersection=i shortcuts.line=g shortcuts.midpoint=4 shortcuts.move=m shortcuts.objecttracker=o shortcuts.parallel=1 shortcuts.parameter=7 shortcuts.plumb=2 shortcuts.point=p shortcuts.pointtype.0=(Ctrl-5) shortcuts.pointtype.1=(Ctrl-6) shortcuts.pointtype.2=(Ctrl-7) shortcuts.pointtype.3=(Ctrl-8) shortcuts.pointtype.4=(Ctrl-9) shortcuts.pointtype.5=(Ctrl-0) shortcuts.quadric=$ shortcuts.ray=r shortcuts.rename=: shortcuts.reorder=! shortcuts.runmacro=9 shortcuts.segment=s shortcuts.showcolor.0=(Alt-1) shortcuts.showcolor.1=(Alt-2) shortcuts.showcolor.2=(Alt-3) shortcuts.showcolor.3=(Alt-4) shortcuts.targets=8 shortcuts.text=b shortcuts.thickness.0=(Alt-5) shortcuts.thickness.1=(Alt-6) shortcuts.thickness.2=(Alt-7) shortcuts.thickness.3=(Alt-8) shortcuts.tracker=t shortcuts.zoom=% sizesdialog.title=Kich thuoc sure.delete=Khong luu cac thay doi? sure.macros=Xoa tat ca cac Macro da dinh nghia? sure.title=Are you sure? templateload.open=Load Template templateload.open.action=Mo text.angle=Goc % - % - % text.angle.fixed=Goc % - % - % voi do lon % text.area=Hinh da giac text.boundedpoint=Diem % text.circle=Hinh tron tam % qua % text.circle.fixed=Hinh tron tam % qua % , co ban kinh % text.circle3=Hinh tron tam % voi ban kinh tu % den % text.expression=Bieu thuc "%" tai %, % text.fixedangle=Goc % - % voi do lon % text.fixedcircle=Hinh tron tam %, ban kinh % text.function=Ham so (%,%) text.intersection=Giao diem cua % va % text.line=Duong thang qua % va % text.midpoint=Trung diem cua % va % text.parallel=Duong thang qua % va song song voi % text.plumb=Duong thang qua % va vuong goc voi % text.point= (%,%) text.quadric=Duong Conic qua % text.ray=Tia tu % qua % text.segment=Doan thang tu % den % text.segment.fixed=Doan thang tu % den % va co do dai % text.track=Track of % when % moves on % text.trackof=Track of % when % changes title=School Geometry trackquestion.keep=Keep Track in Construction? trackquestion.title=Keep Track true=Dung version=Phien ban warning.loadbackground=Loi! Khong the tai hinh nen warning.loadmacros=Loi! Khong the tai 1 Macro rong warning.macrodefinition=% dang duoc su dung , nhung no khong co trong Macro warning.nojob=This isn't an Assignment! warning.preview=Khong chay duoc tren Java 1.1 warning.previewframe=Frame larger than window! warning.print=In bi loi! warning.reset=Chuc nang nay se duoc thiet lap sau lan mo chuong trinh ke tiep! yes=Dong y