#!/bin/bash ##### Convenience: erro() { printf "%s\n" "$*" >&2; } ##### Set defaults: SUPPRESS_ERR=YES USE_NAILGUN=YES LANGUAGE=Python ##### Extract command line options: while [[ $1 = -* ]] do case $1 in -h|--help) echo echo "Usage:" echo " fosgen [-d] [-j] [-l LANGUAGE] FILE" echo echo "Writes to standard output the code generated from the fostr" echo "program in FILE, targeting the specified LANGUAGE (which" echo "defaults to Python)." echo echo "The -d option writes diagnostic output to standard error." echo "The -j option uses the Spoofax Sunshine JAR directly, rather" echo "than via nailgun." exit ;; -d) SUPPRESS_ERR='' ;; -j) USE_NAILGUN='' ;; -l) shift LANGUAGE="$1" ;; esac shift done ##### Get positional arguments: PROGRAM=$1 ##### Corral resources: BINDIR=$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) SUNJAR="$BINDIR/../lib/sunshine.jar" PROJDIR="$BINDIR/.." if [[ ! -f $SUNJAR ]]; then erro "Please download the Spoofax Sunshine jar to the lib directory." erro "Recommended command:" erro " curl -o lib/sunshine.jar -L 'http://artifacts.metaborg.org/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=snapshots&g=org.metaborg&a=org.metaborg.sunshine2&v=LATEST'" exit 1 fi if [[ ! $MVN_REPO ]]; then MVN_REPO="$HOME/.m2/repository" fi if [[ ! -d $MVN_REPO ]]; then MVN_REPO="/root/.m2/repository" fi if [[ ! -d $MVN_REPO ]]; then erro "Cannot find your Maven repository. Please set environment variable" erro "MVN_REPO to its full path and re-run." exit 1 fi ##### Perform the code generation: if [[ $SUPPRESS_ERR ]] then exec 2>/dev/null fi if [[ $USE_NAILGUN ]] then $BINDIR/let_sun_shine $BINDIR/ng sunshine transform -p $PROJDIR -n $LANGUAGE -i $PROGRAM exit $? fi java -jar $SUNJAR transform -p $PROJDIR -l $PROJDIR -l $MVN_REPO -n $LANGUAGE -i $PROGRAM exit $?