use lazy_static::lazy_static; use nalgebra::{Const, DMatrix, DVector, Dyn}; // --- elements --- pub fn point(x: f64, y: f64, z: f64) -> DVector { DVector::from_column_slice(&[x, y, z, 0.5, 0.5*(x*x + y*y + z*z)]) } // the sphere with the given center and radius, with inward-pointing normals pub fn sphere(center_x: f64, center_y: f64, center_z: f64, radius: f64) -> DVector { let center_norm_sq = center_x * center_x + center_y * center_y + center_z * center_z; DVector::from_column_slice(&[ center_x / radius, center_y / radius, center_z / radius, 0.5 / radius, 0.5 * (center_norm_sq / radius - radius) ]) } // the sphere of curvature `curv` whose closest point to the origin has position // `off * dir` and normal `dir`, where `dir` is a unit vector. setting the // curvature to zero gives a plane pub fn sphere_with_offset(dir_x: f64, dir_y: f64, dir_z: f64, off: f64, curv: f64) -> DVector { let norm_sp = 1.0 + off * curv; DVector::from_column_slice(&[ norm_sp * dir_x, norm_sp * dir_y, norm_sp * dir_z, 0.5 * curv, off * (1.0 + 0.5 * off * curv) ]) } // --- partial matrices --- struct MatrixEntry { index: (usize, usize), val: f64 } struct PartialMatrix(Vec); impl PartialMatrix { fn proj(&self, a: &DMatrix) -> DMatrix { let mut result = DMatrix::::zeros(a.nrows(), a.ncols()); let PartialMatrix(entries) = self; for ent in entries { result[ent.index] = a[ent.index]; } result } fn sub_proj(&self, rhs: &DMatrix) -> DMatrix { let mut result = DMatrix::::zeros(rhs.nrows(), rhs.ncols()); let PartialMatrix(entries) = self; for ent in entries { result[ent.index] = ent.val - rhs[ent.index]; } result } } // --- gram matrix realization --- // the Lorentz form lazy_static! { static ref Q: DMatrix = DMatrix::from_row_slice(5, 5, &[ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0 ]); } struct SearchState { config: DMatrix, err_proj: DMatrix, loss: f64 } impl SearchState { fn from_config(gram: &PartialMatrix, config: DMatrix) -> SearchState { let err_proj = gram.sub_proj(&(config.tr_mul(&*Q) * &config)); let loss = err_proj.norm_squared(); SearchState { config: config, err_proj: err_proj, loss: loss } } } fn basis_matrix(index: (usize, usize), nrows: usize, ncols: usize) -> DMatrix { let mut result = DMatrix::::zeros(nrows, ncols); result[index] = 1.0; result } // use backtracking line search to find a better configuration fn seek_better_config( gram: &PartialMatrix, state: &SearchState, base_step: &DMatrix, base_target_improvement: f64, min_efficiency: f64, backoff: f64, max_backoff_steps: i32 ) -> Option { let mut rate = 1.0; for _ in 0..max_backoff_steps { let trial_config = &state.config + rate * base_step; let trial_state = SearchState::from_config(gram, trial_config); let improvement = state.loss - trial_state.loss; if improvement >= min_efficiency * rate * base_target_improvement { return Some(trial_state); } rate *= backoff; } None } // seek a matrix `config` for which `config' * Q * config` matches the partial // matrix `gram`. use gradient descent starting from `guess` fn realize_gram( gram: &PartialMatrix, guess: DMatrix, frozen: &[(usize, usize)], scaled_tol: f64, min_efficiency: f64, backoff: f64, reg_scale: f64, max_descent_steps: i32, max_backoff_steps: i32 ) -> (DMatrix, bool) { // find the dimension of the search space let element_dim = guess.nrows(); let assembly_dim = guess.ncols(); let total_dim = element_dim * assembly_dim; // scale the tolerance let scale_adjustment = ((guess.ncols() - frozen.len()) as f64).sqrt(); let tol = scale_adjustment * scaled_tol; // convert the frozen indices to stacked format let frozen_stacked: Vec = frozen.into_iter().map( |index| index.1*element_dim + index.0 ).collect(); // use Newton's method with backtracking and gradient descent backup let mut state = SearchState::from_config(gram, guess); for _ in 0..max_descent_steps { // stop if the loss is tolerably low println!("loss: {}", state.loss); /*println!("projected error: {}", state.err_proj);*/ if state.loss < tol { break; } // find the negative gradient of the loss function let neg_grad = 4.0 * &*Q * &state.config * &state.err_proj; let mut neg_grad_stacked = neg_grad.clone().reshape_generic(Dyn(total_dim), Const::<1>); // find the negative Hessian of the loss function let mut hess_cols = Vec::>::with_capacity(total_dim); for col in 0..assembly_dim { for row in 0..element_dim { let index = (row, col); let basis_mat = basis_matrix(index, element_dim, assembly_dim); let neg_d_err = basis_mat.tr_mul(&*Q) * &state.config + state.config.tr_mul(&*Q) * &basis_mat; let neg_d_err_proj = gram.proj(&neg_d_err); let deriv_grad = 4.0 * &*Q * ( -&basis_mat * &state.err_proj + &state.config * &neg_d_err_proj ); hess_cols.push(deriv_grad.reshape_generic(Dyn(total_dim), Const::<1>)); } } let mut hess = DMatrix::from_columns(hess_cols.as_slice()); // regularize the Hessian let min_eigval = hess.symmetric_eigenvalues().min(); if min_eigval <= 0.0 { hess -= reg_scale * min_eigval * DMatrix::identity(total_dim, total_dim); } // project the negative gradient and negative Hessian onto the // orthogonal complement of the frozen subspace let zero_col = DVector::zeros(total_dim); let zero_row = zero_col.transpose(); for &k in &frozen_stacked { neg_grad_stacked[k] = 0.0; hess.set_row(k, &zero_row); hess.set_column(k, &zero_col); hess[(k, k)] = 1.0; } // compute the Newton step let base_step_stacked = hess.cholesky().unwrap().solve(&neg_grad_stacked); let base_step = base_step_stacked.reshape_generic(Dyn(element_dim), Dyn(assembly_dim)); // use backtracking line search to find a better configuration match seek_better_config( gram, &state, &base_step,, min_efficiency, backoff, max_backoff_steps ) { Some(better_state) => state = better_state, None => return (state.config, false) }; } (state.config, state.loss < tol) } // --- tests --- #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::f64; use super::*; #[test] fn sub_proj_test() { let target = PartialMatrix(vec![ MatrixEntry { index: (0, 0), val: 19.0 }, MatrixEntry { index: (0, 2), val: 39.0 }, MatrixEntry { index: (1, 1), val: 59.0 }, MatrixEntry { index: (1, 2), val: 69.0 } ]); let attempt = DMatrix::::from_row_slice(2, 3, &[ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 ]); let expected_result = DMatrix::::from_row_slice(2, 3, &[ 18.0, 0.0, 36.0, 0.0, 54.0, 63.0 ]); assert_eq!(target.sub_proj(&attempt), expected_result); } #[test] fn zero_loss_test() { let gram = PartialMatrix({ let mut entries = Vec::::new(); for j in 0..3 { for k in 0..3 { entries.push(MatrixEntry { index: (j, k), val: if j == k { 1.0 } else { -1.0 } }); } } entries }); let config = { let a: f64 = 0.75_f64.sqrt(); DMatrix::from_columns(&[ sphere(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, a), sphere(-0.5, a, 0.0, a), sphere(-0.5, -a, 0.0, a) ]) }; let state = SearchState::from_config(&gram, config); assert!(state.loss.abs() < f64::EPSILON); } // --- process inspection examples --- // these tests are meant for human inspection, not automated use. run them // one at a time in `--nocapture` mode and read through the results and // optimization histories that they print out. the `run-examples` script // will run all of them #[test] fn three_spheres_example() { let gram = PartialMatrix({ let mut entries = Vec::::new(); for j in 0..3 { for k in 0..3 { entries.push(MatrixEntry { index: (j, k), val: if j == k { 1.0 } else { -1.0 } }); } } entries }); let guess = { let a: f64 = 0.75_f64.sqrt(); DMatrix::from_columns(&[ sphere(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), sphere(-0.5, a, 0.0, 1.0), sphere(-0.5, -a, 0.0, 1.0) ]) }; println!(); let (config, success) = realize_gram( &gram, guess, &[], 1.0e-12, 0.5, 0.9, 1.1, 200, 110 ); print!("\nCompleted Gram matrix:{}", config.tr_mul(&*Q) * &config); let final_state = SearchState::from_config(&gram, config); if success { println!("Target accuracy achieved!"); } else { println!("Failed to reach target accuracy"); } println!("Loss: {}", final_state.loss); } #[test] fn point_on_sphere_example() { let gram = PartialMatrix({ let mut entries = Vec::::new(); for j in 0..2 { for k in 0..2 { entries.push(MatrixEntry { index: (j, k), val: if (j, k) == (1, 1) { 1.0 } else { 0.0 } }); } } entries }); let guess = DMatrix::from_columns(&[ point(0.0, 0.0, 2.0), sphere(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ]); println!(); let (config, success) = realize_gram( &gram, guess, &[(3, 0)], 1.0e-12, 0.5, 0.9, 1.1, 200, 110 ); print!("\nCompleted Gram matrix:{}", config.tr_mul(&*Q) * &config); print!("Configuration:{}", config); let final_state = SearchState::from_config(&gram, config); if success { println!("Target accuracy achieved!"); } else { println!("Failed to reach target accuracy"); } println!("Loss: {}", final_state.loss); } }