2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
// based on the WebGL example in the `wasm-bindgen` guide
// https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-bindgen/examples/webgl.html
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
// and this StackOverflow answer by wangdq
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/39684775
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
extern crate js_sys;
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
/* use std::f64::consts::PI as PI; */
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
use sycamore::{prelude::*, rt::{JsCast, JsValue}};
use web_sys::{console, WebGl2RenderingContext, WebGlProgram, WebGlShader};
fn compile_shader(
context: &WebGl2RenderingContext,
shader_type: u32,
source: &str,
) -> WebGlShader {
let shader = context.create_shader(shader_type).unwrap();
context.shader_source(&shader, source);
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
// load the given data into the vertex input of the given name
fn bind_vertex_attrib(
context: &WebGl2RenderingContext,
program: &WebGlProgram,
name: &str,
size: i32,
data: &[f32]
) {
// create a data buffer and bind it to ARRAY_BUFFER
let buffer = context.create_buffer().unwrap();
context.bind_buffer(WebGl2RenderingContext::ARRAY_BUFFER, Some(&buffer));
// load the given data into the buffer. the function `Float32Array::view`
// creates a raw view into our module's `WebAssembly.Memory` buffer.
// allocating more memory will change the buffer, invalidating the view.
// that means we have to make sure we don't allocate any memory until the
// view is dropped
unsafe {
// find the target attribute in the program's attribute list
let attrib_index = context.get_attrib_location(&program, name);
// allow the target attribute to be used
context.enable_vertex_attrib_array(attrib_index as u32);
// take whatever's bound to ARRAY_BUFFER---here, the data buffer created
// above---and bind it to the target attribute
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext/vertexAttribPointer
attrib_index as u32,
false, // don't normalize
0, // zero stride
0, // zero offset
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
fn main() {
// set up a config option that forwards panic messages to `console.error`
#[cfg(feature = "console_error_panic_hook")]
sycamore::render(|| {
let tip = create_signal(0.0);
let display = create_node_ref();
on_mount(move || {
// get the display canvas
let canvas = display
let ctx = canvas
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
// compile and attach the vertex and fragment shaders
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
let vertex_shader = compile_shader(
r##"#version 300 es
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
in vec3 position;
in vec3 color;
out vec4 vertexColor;
const float focal_length = 3.0;
const float near_clip = 0.1;
const float far_clip = 20.0;
const float depth_inv = 1. / (far_clip - near_clip);
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
void main() {
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
const mat4 world_to_clip = mat4(
focal_length, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, focal_length, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, (near_clip + far_clip) * depth_inv, -1.,
0.0, 0.0, 2. * near_clip * far_clip * depth_inv, 0.0
gl_Position = world_to_clip * vec4(position, 1.);
vertexColor = vec4(color, 1.);
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
let fragment_shader = compile_shader(
r##"#version 300 es
precision highp float;
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
in vec4 vertexColor;
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
out vec4 outColor;
void main() {
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
outColor = vertexColor;
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
let program = ctx.create_program().unwrap();
ctx.attach_shader(&program, &vertex_shader);
ctx.attach_shader(&program, &fragment_shader);
let link_status = ctx
.get_program_parameter(&program, WebGl2RenderingContext::LINK_STATUS)
let link_msg = if link_status {
"Linked successfully"
} else {
"Linking failed"
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
// create a vertex array and bind it to the graphics context
let vertex_array = ctx.create_vertex_array().unwrap();
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// set up a repainting routine
create_effect(move || {
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
const VERTEX_CNT: usize = 9;
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
// set the vertex positions
let tip_shift = 4.0/3.0 * tip.get() as f32;
let positions: [f32; 3*VERTEX_CNT] = [
// triangle 1
1.0 - tip_shift, 1.0 - tip_shift, -5.0 - tip_shift,
1.0, -1.0, -7.0,
-1.0, 1.0, -7.0,
// triangle 2
1.0 - tip_shift, 1.0 - tip_shift, -5.0 - tip_shift,
-1.0, 1.0, -7.0,
-1.0, -1.0, -7.0,
// triangle 3
1.0 - tip_shift, 1.0 - tip_shift, -5.0 - tip_shift,
-1.0, -1.0, -7.0,
1.0, -1.0, -7.0
bind_vertex_attrib(&ctx, &program, "position", 3, &positions);
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2024-08-21 17:31:17 -07:00
// set the vertex colors
let colors: [f32; 3*VERTEX_CNT] = [
// triangle 1
1.0, 0.0, 0.5,
1.0, 0.0, 0.5,
1.0, 0.0, 0.5,
// triangle 2
0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
// triangle 3
0.5, 0.0, 1.0,
0.5, 0.0, 1.0,
0.5, 0.0, 1.0
bind_vertex_attrib(&ctx, &program, "color", 3, &colors);
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// clear the screen and draw the scene
ctx.clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
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ctx.draw_arrays(WebGl2RenderingContext::TRIANGLES, 0, VERTEX_CNT as i32);
2024-08-21 13:01:33 -07:00
view! {
div(id="app") {
canvas(ref=display, width="600", height="600")