Test the examples against recorded output #77

opened 2025-03-28 08:00:36 +00:00 by Vectornaut · 0 comments


During development, I often record the printed output of the examples and compare it against a previous recording to make sure it hasn't changed. It would be useful to automate this test.

Implementation ideas

The approach described in "Testing input and output in Rust command line applications" should work well for us. We'd just need to replace print! with write! in the examples, as described here.

## Goal During development, I often record the printed output of the examples and compare it against a previous recording to make sure it hasn't changed. It would be useful to automate this test. ## Implementation ideas The approach described in ["Testing input and output in Rust command line applications"](https://jeffkreeftmeijer.com/rust-stdin-stdout-testing/) should work well for us. We'd just need to replace `print!` with `write!` in the examples, as described [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/48393114).
Vectornaut added the
label 2025-03-28 08:01:04 +00:00
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Reference: StudioInfinity/dyna3#77
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